If any person, except a properly authorized judge, authorized to release a criminal defendant neglects to take a bail bond, or if the bail bond from any cause is insufficient at the time he took and approved the same, on exceptions taken and filed before the close of the next term, after the same should have been returned, and upon reasonable notice thereof to the person, he shall stand as special bail, and judgment shall be rendered against him as such, except when bond is tendered by a fidelity or insurance company or professional bail agent or its bail agent authorized by Mississippi state license to act as bail surety. The person taking and approving a bail bond from a fidelity or insurance company or professional bail agent or its bail agent with a valid Mississippi state license shall bear no financial liability on the bail bond in the event of a bail bond forfeiture or default.
Structure Mississippi Code
§ 99-5-3. Form of bail; taken in open court by entry on minutes
§ 99-5-5. Bonds to be made payable to state; effect; expiration and renewal
§ 99-5-7. Fidelity or surety insurance company may give bail
§ 99-5-13. Court may make adjustments to excessive or insufficient bail
§ 99-5-15. Duty of officer to release defendant from custody; approval of sureties
§ 99-5-17. Sheriff to return bail-bond to clerk
§ 99-5-19. Person who takes insufficient bail-bond, etc., to stand special bail
§ 99-5-21. Bond good though it does not describe offense
§ 99-5-29. Surety may cause arrest of principal by officer
§ 99-5-31. Mittimus in bailable cases to fix the bail
§ 99-5-33. Accused committed to prison if injured party is dangerously wounded
§ 99-5-35. When prisoner charged with capital offense entitled to bail