Mississippi Code
Article 1 - General Provisions
§ 83-5-13. Laws applicable

The general provisions of law relative to the powers, duties, and liabilities of corporations shall apply to all incorporated domestic insurance companies, so far as such provisions are pertinent and not in conflict with other provisions of law relative to such companies, or with their charters. All insurance companies in this state shall be governed by this chapter, anything in their special charters to the contrary notwithstanding.

Structure Mississippi Code

Mississippi Code

Title 83 - Insurance

Chapter 5 - General Provisions Relative to Insurance and Insurance Companies

Article 1 - General Provisions

§ 83-5-1. Concerns subject to department

§ 83-5-3. All companies to submit to all laws of state

§ 83-5-5. Terms defined

§ 83-5-7. Situs of contract

§ 83-5-9. Business to be conducted in corporate name

§ 83-5-11. Legal process

§ 83-5-13. Laws applicable

§ 83-5-15. License fees for each class of business

§ 83-5-17. Revocation of license; administrative fine; funding of agency expenses; deposit of monies into State General Fund

§ 83-5-19. Sale of stock regulated

§ 83-5-21. License revoked if judgments not paid

§ 83-5-23. Reserves required

§ 83-5-25. Certain insurance prohibited

§ 83-5-27. Discrimination through fictitious grouping prohibited

§ 83-5-29. Insurance business practices regulated

§ 83-5-30. Notice of withdrawal, cancelation, or failure to renew insurance; penalties

§ 83-5-31. Definitions

§ 83-5-33. Unfair methods of competition and deceptive practices prohibited

§ 83-5-35. Unfair methods of competition and unfair or deceptive acts or practices defined

§ 83-5-37. Power of commissioner

§ 83-5-47. Judicial review by intervenor

§ 83-5-49. Penalty for violation of cease and desist order

§ 83-5-51. Provisions cumulative

§ 83-5-53. Blank forms furnished

§ 83-5-57. Reinsurance returns made annually

§ 83-5-59. Statements examined and abstracts published

§ 83-5-61. Certain premiums declared and taxed

§ 83-5-63. Penalty for failure to declare

§ 83-5-65. Books exhibited

§ 83-5-67. License revoked if statement untrue

§ 83-5-69. Penalty for failure to file statements and making false return; funding of agency expenses; deposit of monies into State General Fund

§ 83-5-71. Duration of license

§ 83-5-72. Life, health and accident insurance companies and health maintenance organizations to contribute to Insurance Department Fund; funding of agency expenses; deposit of monies into State General Fund

§ 83-5-73. Fees for commissioner; funding of agency expenses; deposit of monies into State General Fund

§ 83-5-75. Fees of fraternal orders

§ 83-5-77. Publication fees; funding of agency expenses; deposit of monies into State General Fund

§ 83-5-79. Investigation of complaint by citizens

§ 83-5-81. Suit for payment of expense if refused

§ 83-5-83. Refusal to comply; license revoked

§ 83-5-85. General penalty

§ 83-5-87. Contents of residential property insurance policy

§ 83-5-91. Health insurance for person called to serve on active military duty by executive order of the President of the United States

§ 83-5-93. Proposing party to provide impact report on legislation to enact mandated health care coverage

§ 83-5-95. Contents of impact report