Mississippi Code
Chapter 12 - Savings Associations Law
§ 81-12-159. Loans and other investments in which associations may invest

Every association shall have power to invest in loans and other investments as follows:
Loans secured by its savings accounts to the extent of the withdrawal value thereof;
Real estate loans in any amount not exceeding the value of the security, subject to the following conditions:
No association shall make a real estate loan to one (1) borrower if the sum of (1) the amount of such loan, and (2) the total balances of all outstanding loans owed to such association by such borrower, excluding the amount of any loan on the security of a savings account, exceeds an amount equal to ten percent (10%) of such association's savings liability or an amount equal to the sum of such association's net worth except that any such loan may be made if the sum of (1) and (2) does not exceed One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000.00);
An association may (1) participate with one or more financial institutions, or entities having a tax exemption under Section 501(a) of the Internal Revenue Code, in any real estate loan of the type in which such association is authorized to invest on its own account, provided that the participating interest of such association is not subordinated or inferior to any other participating interest; or (2) participate in such real estate loans with other than financial institutions or those entities described, provided that the participating interest of such association is superior to the participating interests of such other participants;
Such restrictions on real estate loans on real estate located outside the primary lending area of an association and on real estate loans as the commissioner may establish by regulation;
Such other restrictions as the commissioner may establish;
Loans secured by the pledge of loans or investments, the assignment of which need not be recorded, of a type in which the association is authorized to invest, provided that the loans and investments so pledged shall be subject to all restrictions and requirements which would be applicable were the association to invest directly in such loans or investments;
Loans secured by the pledge of policies of life insurance, the assignment of which is properly acknowledged by the insured, but not exceeding the cash value of such policies;
Property improvement loans made pursuant to the provisions of any title of the National Housing Act or subject to any limitation as to maximum loan amount prescribed by the commissioner for all associations, loans to homeowners and other property owners for the construction, maintenance, repair, alteration, modernization, landscaping, improvement, furnishing or equipping of properties pursuant to rules and regulations prescribed by the commissioner;
Loans made for the purpose of mobile home financing, subject to any limitation as to maximum loan amount which may be prescribed by the commissioner for all associations. For the purpose of this subsection, "mobile home" shall mean a movable accommodation used or designed for use as living quarters;
Such real property or interests therein, including real estate for home or branch offices, as the directors may deem necessary or convenient for the conduct of the business of the association, which for the purposes of this chapter shall be deemed to include the ownership of stock of a wholly owned subsidiary corporation having as its exclusive activity the ownership and management of such property or interests, but the amount so invested shall not exceed the net worth of the association, provided that the commissioner may authorize a greater amount to be so invested.

Structure Mississippi Code

Mississippi Code

Title 81 - Banks and Financial Institutions

Chapter 12 - Savings Associations Law

§ 81-12-1. Citation of chapter

§ 81-12-3. Definitions

§ 81-12-4. Private corporation laws; application to savings and loan associations

§ 81-12-6. Department of Savings Institutions and Savings Institution Board abolished; transfer of powers, duties, etc. to other agencies

§ 81-12-7. Rights, powers, privileges and duties of board

§ 81-12-9. Determinations of commissioner final; judicial review

§ 81-12-11. Duties of department

§ 81-12-25. Incorporation; petition; fee; articles; bylaws; exhibits

§ 81-12-27. Incorporation; examination and investigation of petition

§ 81-12-31. Incorporation; meeting of board to consider petition; cross-examination of and compelling attendance of witnesses; disposition of petition

§ 81-12-37. Capital stock association; minimum required capital; paid-in surplus; determining and maintaining adequate net worth

§ 81-12-45. Forfeiture of corporate existence; new corporations; extension of time within which to commence business

§ 81-12-49. Powers of associations

§ 81-12-51. Additional powers of capital stock associations

§ 81-12-53. Conversion of association organized under state law into federal association

§ 81-12-55. Conversion of federal association into association organized under state law

§ 81-12-57. Conversion of association organized under state law or of federal association into capital stock association

§ 81-12-59. Conversion of association organized under state law or of federal association into capital stock association; hearing on plan of conversion; notice; costs

§ 81-12-63. Conversion prohibited; exceptions

§ 81-12-65. Reorganization, merger and consolidation of associations

§ 81-12-75. Membership fees prohibited

§ 81-12-79. Call reports

§ 81-12-83. Board of directors to manage business and exercise powers of capital stock association; election of members; term of office; qualifications; oath; vacancies

§ 81-12-85. Bonding of association's officers, attorneys, employees, agents and directors

§ 81-12-87. Fiduciary relationship of directors and officers; disclosure of personal interests; restrictions governing conduct; penalty

§ 81-12-89. Deposit of association funds; approval by directors

§ 81-12-91. Indemnification of director, officer or employee for expenses of action to which he is made a party by reason of his position

§ 81-12-93. Management contracts

§ 81-12-95. Records; minutes of meetings; business transactions

§ 81-12-99. Records; maintenance by means of data processing services

§ 81-12-103. Records; overvaluation of assets

§ 81-12-107. Records; loan and investment

§ 81-12-109. Records; membership and stockholder

§ 81-12-111. Records; reproduction by photostatic, photographic or microfilming process

§ 81-12-113. Reserves

§ 81-12-115. Savings liability of association to equal aggregate amount of savings accounts plus earnings; additions to accounts; responsibility of members for losses; assessment of accounts; declaration of earnings; preferences

§ 81-12-117. Savings accounts

§ 81-12-119. Savings accounts; execution of contract by holder

§ 81-12-121. Savings accounts; evidence of ownership

§ 81-12-123. Savings accounts; lost or destroyed account books or certificates

§ 81-12-125. Savings accounts; inducements to open

§ 81-12-127. Savings accounts; adverse claims to accounts

§ 81-12-129. Savings plans at educational institutions

§ 81-12-131. Payroll savings plans

§ 81-12-133. Attorneys authorized to make withdrawals; revocation of authority

§ 81-12-135. Savings accounts issued to minors or persons under disability; payment of withdrawals; powers of parent or guardian; withdrawals on death of holder

§ 81-12-139. Accounts of administrators, executors, guardians, trustees, and other fiduciaries

§ 81-12-141. Accounts of deceased nonresidents

§ 81-12-143. Payments to successors without administration

§ 81-12-145. Accounts payable at death

§ 81-12-149. Payment of earnings on savings accounts

§ 81-12-151. Withdrawals by savings account holders

§ 81-12-153. Redemptions

§ 81-12-155. Securities in which associations may invest

§ 81-12-157. Association may not invest in security or grant loan when liquid assets are less than five percent of savings liability

§ 81-12-159. Loans and other investments in which associations may invest

§ 81-12-161. Real estate loans to be written on approved loan plans

§ 81-12-163. Borrower's right to select attorney and obtain insurance in connection with loan; rules and regulations governing fire, casualty and title insurance

§ 81-12-165. Payment of expenses in connection with closing of loan; borrower to pay only his own attorney's fee; notice of right to select attorney; right of association to require title insurance

§ 81-12-167. Late payment charges

§ 81-12-169. Reinstatement of loan prior to foreclosure sale

§ 81-12-171. Right of association to deal with successor in interest of real estate securing loan

§ 81-12-173. Right to act to avoid loss

§ 81-12-176. Branch offices; additional types of offices

§ 81-12-179. Order of discontinuance of violation; enforcement in chancery court

§ 81-12-184. Supervisory merger

§ 81-12-185. Restrictions on appointment of conservator or receiver

§ 81-12-191. Federal associations domiciled in state

§ 81-12-193. Fees

§ 81-12-195. Offering and sale of savings accounts exempt from securities regulations

§ 81-12-197. Acknowledgment or proof of written instrument in which association interested; membership or employee status of public officer taking as affecting validity

§ 81-12-199. Untrue, false and malicious statements calculated to injure reputation or business of certain savings associations; penalty for making

§ 81-12-201. Advertising for deposits prohibited; exception as to certain state and federal banks, credit unions and associations

§ 81-12-205. Appeal from final rule, regulation or order of commissioner or board

§ 81-12-207. Solicitation of deposits by association or its representatives without complying with provisions of chapter; penalty

§ 81-12-217. Commissioner to issue supervisory control for association

§ 81-12-219. Appeal of cease and desist order

§ 81-12-221. Reimbursement of fines or penalties

§ 81-12-223. Cumulative fines and penalties

§ 81-12-225. Credit allowed; discretion of commissioner

§ 81-12-227. Amount of liability to association for loans

§ 81-12-229. Commissioner to furnish copy of call reports; fee; failure or refusal; misdemeanor