Mississippi Code
Chapter 6 - Municipal Gas Authority of Mississippi Law
§ 77-6-33. Security for bonds

In the discretion of the governing board of the issuer, any bonds issued under the provisions of this chapter may be secured by a resolution, a trust indenture or other security instrument, and in this regard the issuer may enter into an agreement with any trust company or bank having the powers of a trust company within or without the state to act as trustee for such bonds. Such resolution, trust indenture or other security instrument providing for the issuance of such bonds may contain such provisions for protecting and enforcing the rights and remedies of the bondholders as may be reasonable and proper and not in violation of law, and may restrict the individual right of action by bondholders.
The resolution, trust indenture or other security instrument providing for the issuance of such bonds may, in the discretion of the governing board of the issuer, contain covenants including, but not limited to, the following:
The pledge of all or any part of the revenues derived or to be derived from the project or projects to be financed by the bonds or from the gas system or facilities of a municipality or the authority.
The rents, rates, fees and charges to be established, maintained and collected, and the use and disposal of revenues, gifts, grants and funds received or to be received by the municipality or the authority.
The setting aside of reserves and the investment, regulation and disposition thereof.
The custody, collection, securing, investment and payment of all moneys held for the payment of bonds.
Limitations or restrictions on the purposes to which the proceeds of sale of bonds then or thereafter to be issued may be applied.
Limitations or restrictions on the issuance of additional bonds, the terms upon which additional bonds may be issued and secured, or the refunding of outstanding or other bonds.
The procedure, if any, by which the terms of any contract with bondholders may be amended, the percentage of bonds the bondholders of which must consent thereto and the manner in which such consent may be given.
Events of default and the rights and liabilities arising thereupon, the terms and conditions upon which bonds issued under this chapter shall become or may be declared due before maturity, and the terms and conditions upon which such declaration and its consequences may be waived.
The preparation and maintenance of a budget.
The retention or employment of consulting engineers, independent auditors and other technical consultants.
Limitations on or the prohibition of free service to any person, firm or corporation, public or private.
The acquisition and disposal of property, provided that no project or part thereof shall be mortgaged by such resolution, trust indenture or other security instrument.
Provisions for insurance and for accounting reports and the inspection and audit thereof.
The continuing operation and maintenance of the project.

Structure Mississippi Code

Mississippi Code

Title 77 - Public Utilities and Carriers

Chapter 6 - Municipal Gas Authority of Mississippi Law

§ 77-6-1. Short title

§ 77-6-3. Legislative intent

§ 77-6-5. Definitions

§ 77-6-7. Municipal Gas Authority of Mississippi created; purpose; initial membership; principal office

§ 77-6-9. Membership in authority after its creation; withdrawal

§ 77-6-11. Board of commissioners

§ 77-6-13. Executive committee of board of commissioners

§ 77-6-15. Rights and powers of authority

§ 77-6-17. Projects requiring financing by bonds; approval required; determination by authority; notice of determination; hearing; appeal from determination

§ 77-6-19. Municipalities that may contract with authority

§ 77-6-21. Contracts to buy gas from authority

§ 77-6-23. Excess capacity or output may be sold or exchanged

§ 77-6-25. Provisions to be construed as authorizing joint and several ownership of projects

§ 77-6-27. Acquisition of property; contract requirements

§ 77-6-29. Power to issue revenue bonds

§ 77-6-31. Revenue bonds; powers and duties

§ 77-6-33. Security for bonds

§ 77-6-35. Rents, rates, fees and charges by municipality

§ 77-6-37. Rents, rates, fees and charges by authority

§ 77-6-39. Pledge of municipality or authority valid and binding when made

§ 77-6-41. Investment of all monies received

§ 77-6-43. Rights of holders of bonds

§ 77-6-45. Bonds to be securities

§ 77-6-47. Obligations of issuing municipality or authority

§ 77-6-51. Evidence of indebtedness to be considered negotiable instruments

§ 77-6-53. Refunding bonds

§ 77-6-55. Exemption from taxation

§ 77-6-57. Dissolution of board of commissioners

§ 77-6-59. Annual reports; audits

§ 77-6-61. Application of laws of other states

§ 77-6-63. Grants and loans authorized

§ 77-6-65. Powers and duties in connection with eminent domain, sales to customers of public utilities, and utility lines and rights-of-way

§ 77-6-67. Where utility commission and municipality have same governing authorities

§ 77-6-69. Provisions supplemental to other laws

§ 77-6-73. Provisions to be liberally construed

§ 77-6-75. Members of legislature to have no interest in bonds