Mississippi Code
Chapter 1 - Public Service Commission
§ 77-1-47. Appeal bonds; supersedeas bonds

Appeals from any final finding, order or judgment of the commission shall be taken and perfected by the filing of a bond in the sum of Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) with two (2) sureties, or with a surety company qualified to do business in Mississippi as the surety, conditioned to pay the cost of such appeal. Said bond shall be approved by the chairman or secretary of the commission, or by the judge of the court to which such appeal is taken in case the chairman or secretary of the commission refuses to approve a proper bond tendered to them within the time limited for taking appeals. The commission may grant a supersedeas bond on any appeal, in such penalty and with such surety thereon as it may deem sufficient, and may, during the pendency of any appeal, at any time, require the increase of any such supersedeas bond or additional securities thereon. The judge of the Circuit Court of Hinds County may on petition therefor by any party entitled to an appeal, presented to him within six (6) months of the date of the final finding, order, or judgment of the commission appealed from, award a writ of supersedeas to any such final finding, order, or judgment of the commission, upon the filing of a supersedeas bond in an amount to be fixed by said judge. All appeal bonds for the payment of costs, and all supersedeas bonds, shall be made payable to the state and may be enforced in the name of the state by motion or other legal proceedings or remedy in any circuit court of this state having jurisdiction of a motion or action on such bond, and the process and proceedings thereon shall be as provided by law upon bonds of like character required and taken by any court of this state. Such circuit court may render and enter like judgments upon such bonds as may, by law, be rendered and entered upon bonds of like character, and process of execution shall issue upon such judgments, and may be levied and executed as provided by law in other cases.