Mississippi Code
General Provisions
§ 7-9-47. Reports to the legislature

The state treasurer shall make to the legislature, at the commencement of each regular, not extraordinary, session, a detailed report of the receipts and expenditures since his last report. He shall present to it the report required of him by Section 115 of the Constitution and, in case of a deficiency of revenue, he shall suggest such increase of taxes as he may consider best suited to supply the deficiency. He shall also make to the legislature, or to either house thereof, such supplemental reports as may be called for.

Structure Mississippi Code

Mississippi Code

Title 7 - Executive Department

Chapter 9 - State Treasurer

General Provisions

§ 7-9-1. Office hours

§ 7-9-3. Vaults to operate with timelock

§ 7-9-5. Deputy state treasurer and other personnel

§ 7-9-7. Bond clerk

§ 7-9-9. Duties generally

§ 7-9-11. Separate and distinct accounts of various sources of revenue

§ 7-9-12. Establishment of clearing accounts and bank accounts; bad checks

§ 7-9-13. Receipts and payments only on warrant; exception for electronic funds transfer

§ 7-9-14. Electronic funds transfer for withdrawal, transfer, or deposit of funds for investment purposes

§ 7-9-15. All warrants paid to be registered

§ 7-9-17. Duplicate receipts given when payment made into treasury

§ 7-9-19. States taxes collected paid direct to treasurer

§ 7-9-21. State officials to pay in collections

§ 7-9-22. Disposition of funds collected by Secretary of State; funding of agency expenses; deposit of monies into State General Fund

§ 7-9-23. Custodian of specified trust funds

§ 7-9-24. Refunds to state agencies for excess public utility charges

§ 7-9-25. Depository for federal-aid road funds

§ 7-9-27. Investment of special fund to refund overpayment of income taxes

§ 7-9-29. Payment of interest and bonds

§ 7-9-31. Cancellation of bonds and interest coupons

§ 7-9-32. Destruction of paid state warrants

§ 7-9-33. Receipted lists of cancelled bonds and coupons

§ 7-9-34. Destruction of paid and cancelled bonds and coupons

§ 7-9-35. Unexpended balances of appropriations

§ 7-9-37. Payment by depositories; meaning of "treasurer's check" for purpose of implementation of electronic funds transfer

§ 7-9-39. Funds impounded

§ 7-9-41. Lump-sum withdrawals from treasury

§ 7-9-43. Contracts with selected depositories

§ 7-9-45. Monthly verification with auditor

§ 7-9-47. Reports to the legislature

§ 7-9-49. Reports to governor

§ 7-9-51. Suit on bond for embezzlement

§ 7-9-53. Preservation of records