Mississippi Code
In General
§ 7-5-59. Investigation of official corruption, other white collar crimes, and computer crimes

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Following such request, an order shall issue in accordance with this section requiring such person to produce the documents which he refuses to produce on the basis of his privilege against self-incrimination.
"SUBPOENA TO PRODUCE DOCUMENTS PURSUANT TO AN INVESTIGATION BY THE ATTORNEY GENERAL TO: YOU ARE HEREBY COMMANDED to appear before the Attorney General of the State of Mississippi or his designated staff attorney at the place, date and time specified below in an investigation being conducted by the Attorney General pursuant to : Section 7-5-59, Mississippi Code of 1972 Place Date and Time YOU ARE ALSO COMMANDED to bring with you the following document(s) or object(s). You are advised that the Court of the Judicial District of County, Mississippi, has approved the ex parte and in camera application of the Attorney General to issue this subpoena, and jurisdiction to enforce and/or quash the subpoena and to enter appropriate orders thereon is statutorily vested in the said court; enforcement and penal provisions applicable to an Attorney General's investigation include those set forth in ; and disclosure of testimony and/or records coming into possession of the Attorney General pursuant to this subpoena shall be limited by and subject to the provisions of (for informational purposes, these cited statutes are reproduced on the reverse side of this subpoena). Section 7-5-59(4), Mississippi Code of 1972 Section 7-5-59(6), Mississippi Code of 1972, You may wish to consult an attorney in regard to this subpoena. You have certain state and federal constitutional rights, including your protection against self-incrimination and unreasonable search and seizure which this subpoena may affect. ISSUED BY AND UNDER SEAL OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF THE STATE OF MISSISSIPPI, this the day of , 20 . (SEAL) "

Structure Mississippi Code

Mississippi Code

Title 7 - Executive Department

Chapter 5 - Attorney General

In General

§ 7-5-1. Qualifications, election, and duties

§ 7-5-3. Deputy attorney general

§ 7-5-9. Additional employees

§ 7-5-11. Statutory Advisor

§ 7-5-13. Additional assistants to handle legal affairs of Highway Commission

§ 7-5-15. Secretaries

§ 7-5-17. Office hours

§ 7-5-19. Office space, supplies, and equipment

§ 7-5-21. To keep a docket

§ 7-5-23. To keep an opinion-book

§ 7-5-25. To give opinions in writing

§ 7-5-27. To approve accounts against the state

§ 7-5-29. To attend the Supreme Court

§ 7-5-31. Failure to attend Supreme Court

§ 7-5-33. To enforce judgments and pay over collections

§ 7-5-35. May institute and prosecute suits to vacate fraudulent conveyances

§ 7-5-37. To prosecute suits

§ 7-5-41. To receive certified copies of pleadings

§ 7-5-43. May advise public officials and employees investigated or sued as result of discharging duties

§ 7-5-45. May advise school officials and employees in proceedings challenging validity of statute

§ 7-5-47. Suits on bonds of state officers

§ 7-5-49. To advise public service commission

§ 7-5-51. To represent state tax and public service commissions

§ 7-5-53. To assist district attorneys

§ 7-5-55. To recover taxes

§ 7-5-57. To draw papers

§ 7-5-59. Investigation of official corruption, other white collar crimes, and computer crimes

§ 7-5-63. Reports to the legislature

§ 7-5-65. Saving statute

§ 7-5-66. Prepayment of costs in civil actions for recovery of delinquent sums owed to Mississippi Guaranteed Student Loan Program

§ 7-5-67. Investigators of Public Integrity Division empowered to make arrests, serve and execute search warrants, and serve process