Mississippi Code
Article 1 - General
§ 7-17-3. Legislative intent

It is the intent of "the Mississippi Executive Reorganization Act of 1989 [Chapter 544, Laws of 1989]" to provide that the Governor and the executive branch of the government of the State of Mississippi shall have full authority to execute the laws of Mississippi and to administer and manage the affairs of state government in accordance with the Mississippi Constitution of 1890.
Provided, however, nothing in "the Mississippi Executive Reorganization Act of 1989" is intended to reduce in any manner the authority of the Legislature to appropriate funds or to specify the means by which such funds are to be expended.
No executive director, division director or any other employee of any agency or department of this state shall be prohibited by the Governor or any other person, whether by written or verbal correspondence or by executive order, from cooperating with the Legislature for purposes of providing information to the Legislature, or any member thereof, regarding the legislative budget process or any other legislative matter.