Mississippi Code
Chapter 1 - Local Option Alcoholic Beverage Control
§ 67-1-25. Qualifications of personnel

No person shall be appointed director, agent or inspector for the commission under this chapter who is not a citizen of the United States. No director, agent, inspector or other employee shall be appointed under this chapter who has been convicted of any violation of any federal or state law concerning the manufacture, sale or possession of alcoholic liquor prior or subsequent to July 1, 1966, or who has paid a fine or penalty in settlement of any prosecution against him for any violation of such laws or shall have forfeited his bond to appear in court to answer charges for any such violation, nor shall any person be so appointed who has been convicted of a felony in any state or federal court. No person appointed or employed by the commission under this chapter may, directly or indirectly, individually or as a member of a partnership or limited liability company, or as a shareholder of a corporation, have any interest whatsoever in the manufacture, sale or distribution of alcoholic liquor, or receive any compensation or profit therefrom, or have any interest whatsoever in the purchases or sales made by the persons authorized by this chapter to purchase or to sell alcoholic liquor.
This section shall not prevent any person appointed or employed by the commission from purchasing and keeping in his possession for the use of himself or members of his family or guests any alcoholic liquor which may be purchased or kept by any other person by virtue of this chapter.

Structure Mississippi Code

Mississippi Code

Title 67 - Alcoholic Beverages

Chapter 1 - Local Option Alcoholic Beverage Control

§ 67-1-1. Short title

§ 67-1-3. Prohibition reannounced as law of State

§ 67-1-5. Definitions

§ 67-1-10. Penalties for owning, controlling or possessing illegal distillery, or parts thereof; exceptions

§ 67-1-14. Local option election to render chapter ineffective in certain municipalities

§ 67-1-14. Local option election to render chapter ineffective in certain municipalities

§ 67-1-15. Local option elections in counties having two judicial districts

§ 67-1-19. Administration of chapter

§ 67-1-23. Appointment of division personnel; oath

§ 67-1-25. Qualifications of personnel

§ 67-1-27. Bonds of personnel

§ 67-1-29. Compensation of personnel

§ 67-1-31. Law enforcement authority of agents and inspectors; liability of members of commission for acts or omissions of agents or inspectors

§ 67-1-35. Official seal of the Alcoholic Beverage Control Division of the Department of Revenue

§ 67-1-39. Appeals from Board of Tax Appeals orders

§ 67-1-43. Obtaining intoxicants from source other than commission; penalty

§ 67-1-45. Selling intoxicants to source other than commission; penalty

§ 67-1-46. Certain holders of manufacturer's distiller's permits authorized to provide limited amounts of alcoholic beverages on premises for tasting or sampling subject to certain conditions

§ 67-1-47. Distillers and distributors dealing with commission shall register with Secretary of State

§ 67-1-49. Distillers and distributors dealing with commission shall file statements of salary expenses

§ 67-1-51. Permits; distance regulations; prohibition on ownership of more than one package retailer's permit; prohibition on ownership of additional permits by persons living in same household

§ 67-1-52. Holder of package retailer's permit authorized to conduct tasting or sampling events subject to certain conditions

§ 67-1-55. Applicants for permits must disclose persons financially interested in business; penalty

§ 67-1-57. Qualification of applicants

§ 67-1-59. "Applicant" defined

§ 67-1-61. Validity, contents and display of permits

§ 67-1-65. Issuance of permits in counties having no incorporated municipality

§ 67-1-67. Transfer of permit

§ 67-1-69. Permittees must comply with federal statutes

§ 67-1-71. Suspension and revocation of permits; reasonable notice of charges for which suspension or revocation is sought; hearing before Board of Tax Appeals; applicability of paragraph (i) to games or lotteries authorized by Mississippi lottery la...

§ 67-1-73. Records and reports; penalty

§ 67-1-75. Offenses by holder of package retailer's permit or by employee thereof; penalty

§ 67-1-79. Credit to retailers prohibited

§ 67-1-89. Injunctive relief

§ 67-1-97. Public auction of forfeited property other than alcoholic beverages and raw materials; disbursement of proceeds