A bridge built at the intersection of a river flowing from one county into another shall be built at the nearest available site to said intersection. A municipality which, in the judgment of its governing authorities, will be benefited by the construction of such bridge may join such county, or either of them, in building such bridge and keeping and maintaining same upon such terms as may be mutually agreed upon.
Structure Mississippi Code
Title 65 - Highways, Bridges and Ferries
Chapter 21 - Bridges; General Provisions
§ 65-21-1. Width of bridges and culverts
§ 65-21-5. Illumination of bridges
§ 65-21-7. Toll bridges and ferries
§ 65-21-9. Bond of toll bridge and ferry keepers
§ 65-21-11. Board of supervisors may purchase privately owned bridges
§ 65-21-13. Damages for taking private bridges
§ 65-21-15. Purchase of toll bridge for free operation
§ 65-21-17. Bonds to maintain toll-free bridge
§ 65-21-19. Bridges connecting districts
§ 65-21-21. Bond issue for bridges connecting districts
§ 65-21-23. Bridges over rivers at county boundaries
§ 65-21-25. Bridges at intersection of river flowing from one county to another
§ 65-21-27. Bridges within municipalities