No failure to strictly comply with the provisions of this chapter, such as the invalidity of any contract or other like irregularity, shall in any manner affect the validity of the assessment of the ad valorem tax hereby provided, but the validity of such assessments shall be tested by the same rules of law that the validity of other assessments are determined by.
Structure Mississippi Code
Title 65 - Highways, Bridges and Ferries
Chapter 15 - County Funds for Roads and Bridges
§ 65-15-1. Funds for roads and bridges
§ 65-15-1. Funds for roads and bridges
§ 65-15-3. Tax for construction and maintenance of highways
§ 65-15-5. Validity of assessment
§ 65-15-7. Tax for bridges and culverts
§ 65-15-9. Gasoline tax in payment of road bond issues
§ 65-15-9. Gasoline tax in payment of road bond issues
§ 65-15-13. Use of gasoline tax not to affect other financing
§ 65-15-13. Use of gasoline tax not to affect other financing
§ 65-15-15. Tax for payment of bonds and interest
§ 65-15-17. Special fund paid into general fund
§ 65-15-19. Balance in sinking fund after payment of bonds
§ 65-15-19. Balance in sinking fund after payment of bonds
§ 65-15-21. Refund to municipalities
§ 65-15-21. Refund to municipalities
§ 65-15-23. Payment of municipal refund
§ 65-15-25. Authority to transfer surplus tolls to county road and bridge fund