Mississippi Code
Article 3 - Supplementary Provisions
§ 59-7-113. Resolution of intention to issue bonds; bond issue election generally

Before issuing any bonds for any of the purposes herein enumerated, the board of supervisors shall adopt a resolution declaring its intention so to do, stating the amount of bonds proposed to be issued and the purpose for which the bonds are to be issued, and the date upon which the board proposes to direct the issuance of such bonds. Such resolution shall be published once a week for at least three consecutive weeks in at least one newspaper published in such county. The first publication of such resolution shall be made not less than twenty-one days prior to the date fixed in such resolution for the issuance of the bonds, and the last publication shall be made not more than seven days prior to such date. If no newspaper be published in such county, then such notice shall be given by publishing the resolution for the required time in some newspaper having a general circulation in such county and, in addition, by posting a copy of such resolution for at least twenty-one days next preceding the date fixed therein at three public places in such county. If twenty per cent (20%) of the qualified electors of the county shall file a written protest against the issuance of such bonds on or before the date specified in such resolution, then an election on the question of the issuance of such bonds shall be called and held as is herein provided. If no such protest be filed, then such bonds may be issued without an election on the question of the issuance thereof, at any time within a period of two years after the date specified in the above-mentioned resolution. However, the board of supervisors, in its discretion, may nevertheless call an election on such question, in which event it shall not be necessary to publish the resolution declaring its intention to issue such bonds as herein provided.