Mississippi Code
Chapter 5 - State Ports and Harbors
§ 59-5-21. Operation by state port authority of ports or harbors acquired by or conveyed to state

Any port or harbor, or any part thereof, and all facilities, structures, lands or other improvements, acquired by or conveyed to the state, shall be operated by the board acting through a state port authority for such port or harbor, except as may be otherwise provided in this chapter. Such state port authority shall be an agency of the state and shall be vested, in addition to the rights, powers and duties conferred hereunder, with the same jurisdiction and the same rights, powers and duties vested by law in the port commission or port authority or other authorized port or harbor agency having jurisdiction of such port or harbor under statutes in effect on the date of the conveyance of such port or harbor, or any part thereof, to the state. Such state port authority shall consist of five (5) qualified electors of the city or county in which such port or harbor is located. The initial terms of the members of such port authority shall be staggered, one (1) member thereof, to be appointed by the governing authorities of the municipality in which such port or harbor is located or adjacent to, to serve for an initial term of one (1) year, one (1) member thereof, to be appointed by the board of supervisors of the county in which such port or harbor is located, to serve for an initial term of two (2) years, and three (3) members thereof, to be appointed by the Governor, to serve for initial terms of three (3), four (4) and five (5) years respectively, but all succeeding appointments shall be for terms of five (5) years. The members of the state port authority shall organize in the same manner authorized by law for the port commission or port authority formerly having jurisdiction over such port or harbor, or any part thereof. Members of the state port authority shall be entitled to compensation pursuant to Section 25-3-69 and travel expenses pursuant to Section 25-3-41. In its operation of such port or harbor, or any part thereof, such state port authority shall not be responsible to the city or county, or other authorized port or harbor agency, in which such port or harbor, or any part thereof, may be located, but shall be responsible solely to the board, and the board shall have the same rights and duties and the same relationship toward such state port authority as is vested by law in the county, city or other authorized port or harbor agency in its relation to the port commission or port authority formerly having jurisdiction of such port or harbor, or part thereof. Before entering upon the duties of the office, each of said members shall take and subscribe to the oath of office required by Section 268 of the Constitution of the State of Mississippi, and shall file same with the secretary of state, and shall give bond in the sum of ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00), with a surety company or companies, authorized to do business in this state, conditioned according to law, and to be delivered to and approved by the treasurer of the State of Mississippi; the premiums on said bonds shall be paid from port funds.

Structure Mississippi Code

Mississippi Code

Title 59 - Ports, Harbors, Landings and Watercraft

Chapter 5 - State Ports and Harbors

§ 59-5-1. Short title; definition of "board"

§ 59-5-3. Declaration of public policy

§ 59-5-7. Activities of board and state port authority pursuant to chapter as governmental functions

§ 59-5-9. Implementation of public policy by board; discretion of board; construction of rights, powers and duties of board

§ 59-5-11. General powers of board; lands subject to jurisdiction and control of board

§ 59-5-13. Acceptance of grants and contributions

§ 59-5-15. Analysis and survey by city, county or other agency of port or harbor proposed to be conveyed to state

§ 59-5-17. Negotiation of agreement with city, county or agency for state acquisition of port or harbor

§ 59-5-19. Approval of agreement for conveyance of port or harbor to state; terms and conditions of conveyance

§ 59-5-21. Operation by state port authority of ports or harbors acquired by or conveyed to state

§ 59-5-23. Authorization of contracts, etc., for improvement, operation, etc., of port or harbor

§ 59-5-25. Approval of agreement for improvement, operation, etc., of port or harbor; appropriation of excess funds or levy of tax

§ 59-5-27. Bond of members of port or harbor agency

§ 59-5-29. Increase in membership of county port authority upon issuance of bonds

§ 59-5-31. Additional powers and authority for certain port commissions and authorities; revenue bonds; tax exemptions

§ 59-5-33. State ports fund; joint activities or employment of personnel

§ 59-5-35. Setting aside or leasing of lands, docks, warehouses, etc.; exemption from certain ad valorem taxes

§ 59-5-39. Acquisition of rights of way, land, etc.

§ 59-5-41. State bonds; issuance, terms, and conditions; interim financing of construction projects

§ 59-5-43. Negotiability of bonds; exemption from taxation

§ 59-5-45. Manner and price of sale of bonds; interest; maturity and redemption

§ 59-5-47. Disposition of proceeds of bonds

§ 59-5-49. Validation of bonds

§ 59-5-51. Payment of interest and principal on bonds; limitation on amount of bonds issued

§ 59-5-53. Withdrawals of bond proceeds from special fund

§ 59-5-55. Use of net revenues, rents, and earnings from state owned ports

§ 59-5-57. Payment of county's share of state ad valorem taxes for harbor purposes to state port authority

§ 59-5-59. Allocation of revenues, rents and earnings to payment of bonds; sinking fund

§ 59-5-61. Refunding bonds

§ 59-5-63. Bonds as legal investments and securities for deposits of public funds

§ 59-5-65. Representation of Sate Bond Commission by Attorney General; payment of costs of sale, issuance and delivery of bonds

§ 59-5-67. Annual audit of state port authorities

§ 59-5-69. Annual budget of state port authorities