Mississippi Code
In General
§ 59-3-9. Qualifications of electors; form and marking of ballots; issuance of bonds without elections

At such election as is provided for by Section 59-3-7, all qualified electors may vote and the ballots used shall have printed thereon a brief statement of the amount and purpose of the proposed bond issue and the words, "For the bond issue," and the words, "Against the bond issue," and the voter shall vote by placing a cross (X) opposite his choice of the proposition. In cities of less than twelve thousand inhabitants, when the amount to be issued is not more than thirty thousand dollars the corporate authorities shall publish the resolution as herein provided declaring their intention to issue said bonds for three weeks, giving the day and date upon which said bonds are to be issued; and if twenty per cent of the qualified electors of the municipality file a written protest against the issuance of said bonds on or before said date, then an election shall be had as herein provided, and if no protest shall be filed said bonds shall be issued without an election.