Mississippi Code
Chapter 19 - Landings
§ 59-19-1. Initiation of proceedings to establish landing

Any three or more freeholders residing in any county bordering on the Mississippi River or other navigable river, bayou, bay, or inlet, may petition the board of supervisors of such county to cause a lot of ground, outside of a city, town, or village, on the bank of the river, bayou, bay, or inlet, to be designated and set apart as a boat landing and cotton-yard, for the use of the public, stating in the petition the name of the owner of the land proposed to be so taken; and said board shall thereupon appoint three of its members a committee to examine and determine whether such landing be required for public convenience, and, if so, to lay off and mark such lot of ground, not exceeding two acres, at such point as will be most convenient to the public.