Mississippi Code
Chapter 17 - State Inland Ports
§ 59-17-41. State bonds; payment of principal and interest; limitation on amount issued

The bonds issued under the provisions of this chapter shall be payable from the special fund provided therefor as hereinafter set out and shall be the general obligations of the State of Mississippi and backed by the full faith and credit of the state, and, if the funds supplied by the board to the State Treasurer from the sources prescribed by this chapter be insufficient to fully pay at maturity any installment of interest on said bonds or to pay at maturity the principal of said bonds, then the deficiency shall be paid by the State Treasurer from any funds in the State Treasury not otherwise appropriated, and all such bonds shall contain recitals on their face substantially covering the foregoing provisions of this section. The amount of bonds issued for the acquisition and planned development of any state inland ports, harbors or waterways shall not exceed the sum of One Million Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($1,500,000.00). The purpose of this One Million Five Hundred Thousand Dollar ($1,500,000.00) bond issue is to purchase industrial sites and railroad right-of-way nearby the inland port.
From and after July 1, 1980, and contingent upon the tax levy authorized in Section 59-17-19, an additional amount of bonds not to exceed Two Million Dollars ($2,000,000.00) may be issued pursuant to the provisions of this chapter. The proceeds of such bonds may be used for any activities associated with carrying out the powers described in Section 59-17-13.

Structure Mississippi Code

Mississippi Code

Title 59 - Ports, Harbors, Landings and Watercraft

Chapter 17 - State Inland Ports

§ 59-17-1. Short title; "board" defined

§ 59-17-3. Declaration of public policy

§ 59-17-7. Functions of board and inland port as essential governmental functions

§ 59-17-9. Duty of board to implement public policy; construction of rights, powers and duties of board

§ 59-17-11. Condition precedent to board action

§ 59-17-15. Acceptance of grants and contributions by board

§ 59-17-17. Appraisal of plan for project; agreement between board and county or agency proposing project

§ 59-17-19. Tax levy by counties for payment of bonds

§ 59-17-21. Contract with master water management district to underwrite financial obligations for project

§ 59-17-23. Operation of port or harbor by state inland port authority; composition of authority; appointment and terms of office of members

§ 59-17-25. Organization of state inland port authority; oath and bond of members

§ 59-17-27. State inland port fund; board may contract for joint activities or employment of personnel

§ 59-17-29. Setting aside or leasing of lands and facilities by board

§ 59-17-31. Authority of board or inland port authority to employ personnel, make contracts and purchases, and sue and be sued

§ 59-17-33. Acquisition of rights of way, land and property by board generally; restriction on power of eminent domain

§ 59-17-35. State bonds; issuance, terms, and conditions generally

§ 59-17-37. State bonds; negotiability; exemption from taxation

§ 59-17-39. State bonds; proceedings for issuance; validation

§ 59-17-41. State bonds; payment of principal and interest; limitation on amount issued

§ 59-17-43. State bonds; manner and price of sale

§ 59-17-45. State bonds; disposition of proceeds from sale

§ 59-17-47. Withdrawals from special fund for payment of bonds

§ 59-17-49. Disposition of net revenues, rents, and earnings from port or harbor

§ 59-17-51. Pledge of revenues, rents and earnings to payment of bonds; sinking fund

§ 59-17-53. Refunding bonds

§ 59-17-55. Bonds as legal investments and security for deposits

§ 59-17-57. Representation of state bond commission by attorney general