Mississippi Code
Chapter 75 - Mississippi Major Economic Impact Act
§ 57-75-5. Definitions

Words and phrases used in this chapter shall have meanings as follows, unless the context clearly indicates a different meaning:
"Act" means the Mississippi Major Economic Impact Act as originally enacted or as hereafter amended.
"Authority" means the Mississippi Major Economic Impact Authority created pursuant to the act.
"Bonds" means general obligation bonds, interim notes and other evidences of debt of the State of Mississippi issued pursuant to this chapter.
"Facility related to the project" means and includes any of the following, as the same may pertain to the project within the project area: (i) facilities to provide potable and industrial water supply systems, sewage and waste disposal systems and water, natural gas and electric transmission systems to the site of the project; (ii) airports, airfields and air terminals; (iii) rail lines; (iv) port facilities; (v) highways, streets and other roadways; (vi) public school buildings, classrooms and instructional facilities, training facilities and equipment, including any functionally related facilities; (vii) parks, outdoor recreation facilities and athletic facilities; (viii) auditoriums, pavilions, campgrounds, art centers, cultural centers, folklore centers and other public facilities; (ix) health care facilities, public or private; and (x) fire protection facilities, equipment and elevated water tanks.
"Person" means any natural person, corporation, association, partnership, receiver, trustee, guardian, executor, administrator, fiduciary, governmental unit, public agency, political subdivision, or any other group acting as a unit, and the plural as well as the singular.
"Project" means:
Any industrial, commercial, research and development, warehousing, distribution, transportation, processing, mining, United States government or tourism enterprise together with all real property required for construction, maintenance and operation of the enterprise with an initial capital investment of not less than Three Hundred Million Dollars ($300,000,000.00) from private or United States government sources together with all buildings, and other supporting land and facilities, structures or improvements of whatever kind required or useful for construction, maintenance and operation of the enterprise; or with an initial capital investment of not less than One Hundred Fifty Million Dollars ($150,000,000.00) from private or United States government sources together with all buildings and other supporting land and facilities, structures or improvements of whatever kind required or useful for construction, maintenance and operation of the enterprise and which creates at least one thousand (1,000) net new full-time jobs; or which creates at least one thousand (1,000) net new full-time jobs which provides an average salary, excluding benefits which are not subject to Mississippi income taxation, of at least one hundred twenty-five percent (125%) of the most recently published average annual wage of the state as determined by the Mississippi Department of Employment Security. "Project" shall include any addition to or expansion of an existing enterprise if such addition or expansion has an initial capital investment of not less than Three Hundred Million Dollars ($300,000,000.00) from private or United States government sources, or has an initial capital investment of not less than One Hundred Fifty Million Dollars ($150,000,000.00) from private or United States government sources together with all buildings and other supporting land and facilities, structures or improvements of whatever kind required or useful for construction, maintenance and operation of the enterprise and which creates at least one thousand (1,000) net new full-time jobs; or which creates at least one thousand (1,000) net new full-time jobs which provides an average salary, excluding benefits which are not subject to Mississippi income taxation, of at least one hundred twenty-five percent (125%) of the most recently published average annual wage of the state as determined by the Mississippi Department of Employment Security. "Project" shall also include any ancillary development or business resulting from the enterprise, of which the authority is notified, within three (3) years from the date that the enterprise entered into commercial production, that the project area has been selected as the site for the ancillary development or business.
1. Any major capital project designed to improve, expand or otherwise enhance any active duty or reserve United States armed services bases and facilities or any major Mississippi National Guard training installations, their support areas or their military operations, upon designation by the authority that any such base was or is at risk to be recommended for closure or realignment pursuant to the Defense Base Closure and Realignment Act of 1990, as amended, or other applicable federal law; or any major development project determined by the authority to be necessary to acquire or improve base properties and to provide employment opportunities through construction of projects as defined in Section 57-3-5, which shall be located on or provide direct support service or access to such military installation property in the event of closure or reduction of military operations at the installation.
2. Any major study or investigation related to such a facility, installation or base, upon a determination by the authority that the study or investigation is critical to the expansion, retention or reuse of the facility, installation or base.
3. Any project as defined in Section 57-3-5, any business or enterprise determined to be in the furtherance of the public purposes of this act as determined by the authority or any facility related to such project each of which shall be, directly or indirectly, related to any military base or other military-related facility no longer operated by the United States armed services or the Mississippi National Guard.
Any enterprise to be maintained, improved or constructed in Tishomingo County by or for a National Aeronautics and Space Administration facility in such county.
1. Any major capital project with an initial capital investment from private sources of not less than Seven Hundred Fifty Million Dollars ($750,000,000.00) which will create at least three thousand (3,000) jobs meeting criteria established by the Mississippi Development Authority.
2. "Project" shall also include any ancillary development or business resulting from an enterprise operating a project as defined in item 1 of this paragraph (f)(iv), of which the authority is notified, within three (3) years from the date that the enterprise entered into commercial production, that the state has been selected as the site for the ancillary development or business.
Any manufacturing, processing or industrial project determined by the authority, in its sole discretion, to contribute uniquely and significantly to the economic growth and development of the state, and which meets the following criteria:
1. The project shall create at least two thousand (2,000) net new full-time jobs meeting criteria established by the authority, which criteria shall include, but not be limited to, the requirement that such jobs must be held by persons eligible for employment in the United States under applicable state and federal law.
2. The project and any facility related to the project shall include a total investment from private sources of not less than Sixty Million Dollars ($60,000,000.00), or from any combination of sources of not less than Eighty Million Dollars ($80,000,000.00).
Any real property owned or controlled by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, the United States government, or any agency thereof, which is legally conveyed to the State of Mississippi or to the State of Mississippi for the benefit of the Mississippi Major Economic Impact Authority, its successors and assigns pursuant to Section 212 of Public Law 104-99, enacted January 26, 1996 (110 Stat. 26 at 38).
Any major capital project related to the establishment, improvement, expansion and/or other enhancement of any active duty military installation and having a minimum capital investment from any source or combination of sources other than the State of Mississippi of at least Forty Million Dollars ($40,000,000.00), and which will create at least four hundred (400) military installation related full-time jobs, which jobs may be military jobs, civilian jobs or a combination of military and civilian jobs. The authority shall require that binding commitments be entered into requiring that the minimum requirements for the project provided for in this subparagraph shall be met not later than July 1, 2008.
Any major capital project with an initial capital investment from any source or combination of sources of not less than Ten Million Dollars ($10,000,000.00) which will create at least eighty (80) full-time jobs which provide an average annual salary, excluding benefits which are not subject to Mississippi income taxes, of at least one hundred thirty-five percent (135%) of the most recently published average annual wage of the state or the most recently published average annual wage of the county in which the project is located as determined by the Mississippi Department of Employment Security, whichever is the lesser. The authority shall require that binding commitments be entered into requiring that:
1. The minimum requirements for the project provided for in this subparagraph shall be met; and
2. That if such commitments are not met, all or a portion of the funds provided by the state for the project as determined by the authority shall be repaid.
Any regional retail shopping mall with an initial capital investment from private sources in excess of One Hundred Fifty Million Dollars ($150,000,000.00), with a square footage in excess of eight hundred thousand (800,000) square feet, which will create at least seven hundred (700) full-time jobs with an average hourly wage of Eleven Dollars ($11.00) per hour. The authority shall require that binding commitments be entered into requiring that:
1. The minimum requirements for the project provided for in this subparagraph shall be met; and
2. That if such commitments are not met, all or a portion of the funds provided by the state for the project as determined by the authority shall be repaid.
Any major capital project with an initial capital investment from any source or combination of sources of not less than Seventy-five Million Dollars ($75,000,000.00) which will create at least one hundred twenty-five (125) full-time jobs which provide an average annual salary, excluding benefits which are not subject to Mississippi income taxes, of at least one hundred thirty-five percent (135%) of the most recently published average annual wage of the state or the most recently published average annual wage of the county in which the project is located as determined by the Mississippi Department of Employment Security, whichever is the greater. The authority shall require that binding commitments be entered into requiring that:
1. The minimum requirements for the project provided for in this subparagraph shall be met; and
2. That if such commitments are not met, all or a portion of the funds provided by the state for the project as determined by the authority shall be repaid.
Any potential major capital project that the authority has determined is feasible to recruit.
Any project built according to the specifications and federal provisions set forth by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration Center Operations Directorate at Stennis Space Center for the purpose of consolidating common services from National Aeronautics and Space Administration centers in human resources, procurement, financial management and information technology located on land owned or controlled by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, which will create at least four hundred seventy (470) full-time jobs.
Any major capital project with an initial capital investment from any source or combination of sources of not less than Ten Million Dollars ($10,000,000.00) which will create at least two hundred fifty (250) full-time jobs. The authority shall require that binding commitments be entered into requiring that:
1. The minimum requirements for the project provided for in this subparagraph shall be met; and
2. That if such commitments are not met, all or a portion of the funds provided by the state for the project as determined by the authority shall be repaid.
Any major pharmaceutical facility with a capital investment of not less than Fifty Million Dollars ($50,000,000.00) made after July 1, 2002, through four (4) years after the initial date of any loan or grant made by the authority for such project, which will maintain at least seven hundred fifty (750) full-time employees. The authority shall require that binding commitments be entered into requiring that:
1. The minimum requirements for the project provided for in this subparagraph shall be met; and
2. That if such commitments are not met, all or a portion of the funds provided by the state for the project as determined by the authority shall be repaid.
Any pharmaceutical manufacturing, packaging and distribution facility with an initial capital investment from any local or federal sources of not less than Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($500,000.00) which will create at least ninety (90) full-time jobs. The authority shall require that binding commitments be entered into requiring that:
1. The minimum requirements for the project provided for in this subparagraph shall be met; and
2. That if such commitments are not met, all or a portion of the funds provided by the state for the project as determined by the authority shall be repaid.
Any major industrial wood processing facility with an initial capital investment of not less than One Hundred Million Dollars ($100,000,000.00) which will create at least one hundred twenty-five (125) full-time jobs which provide an average annual salary, excluding benefits which are not subject to Mississippi income taxes, of at least Thirty Thousand Dollars ($30,000.00). The authority shall require that binding commitments be entered into requiring that:
1. The minimum requirements for the project provided for in this subparagraph shall be met; and
2. That if such commitments are not met, all or a portion of the funds provided by the state for the project as determined by the authority shall be repaid.
Any technical, engineering, manufacturing-logistic service provider with an initial capital investment of not less than One Million Dollars ($1,000,000.00) which will create at least ninety (90) full-time jobs. The authority shall require that binding commitments be entered into requiring that:
1. The minimum requirements for the project provided for in this subparagraph shall be met; and
2. That if such commitments are not met, all or a portion of the funds provided by the state for the project as determined by the authority shall be repaid.
Any major capital project with an initial capital investment from any source or combination of sources other than the State of Mississippi of not less than Six Hundred Million Dollars ($600,000,000.00) which will create at least four hundred fifty (450) full-time jobs with an average annual salary, excluding benefits which are not subject to Mississippi income taxes, of at least Seventy Thousand Dollars ($70,000.00). The authority shall require that binding commitments be entered into requiring that:
1. The minimum requirements for the project provided for in this subparagraph shall be met; and
2. That if such commitments are not met, all or a portion of the funds provided by the state for the project as determined by the authority shall be repaid.
Any major coal and/or petroleum coke gasification project with an initial capital investment from any source or combination of sources other than the State of Mississippi of not less than Eight Hundred Million Dollars ($800,000,000.00), which will create at least two hundred (200) full-time jobs with an average annual salary, excluding benefits which are not subject to Mississippi income taxes, of at least Forty-five Thousand Dollars ($45,000.00). The authority shall require that binding commitments be entered into requiring that:
1. The minimum requirements for the project provided for in this subparagraph shall be met; and
2. That if such commitments are not met, all or a portion of the funds provided by the state for the project as determined by the authority shall be repaid.
Any planned mixed use development located on not less than four thousand (4,000) acres of land that will consist of commercial, recreational, resort, tourism and residential development with a capital investment from private sources of not less than Four Hundred Seventy-five Million Dollars ($475,000,000.00) in the aggregate in any one (1) or any combination of tourism projects that will create at least three thousand five hundred (3,500) jobs in the aggregate. For the purposes of this paragraph (f)(xx), the term "tourism project" means and has the same definition as that term has in Section 57-28-1. In order to meet the minimum capital investment required under this paragraph (f)(xx), at least Two Hundred Thirty-seven Million Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($237,500,000.00) of such investment must be made not later than June 1, 2015, and the remainder of the minimum capital investment must be made not later than June 1, 2017. In order to meet the minimum number of jobs required to be created under this paragraph (f)(xx), at least one thousand seven hundred fifty (1,750) of such jobs must be created not later than June 1, 2015, and the remainder of the jobs must be created not later than June 1, 2017. The authority shall require that binding commitments be entered into requiring that:
1. The minimum requirements for the project provided for in this subparagraph shall be met; and
2. That if such commitments are not met, all or a portion of the funds provided by the state for the project as determined by the authority shall be repaid.
Any enterprise owning or operating an automotive manufacturing and assembly plant and its affiliates for which construction begins after March 2, 2007, and not later than December 1, 2007, with an initial capital investment from private sources of not less than Five Hundred Million Dollars ($500,000,000.00) which will create at least one thousand five hundred (1,500) jobs meeting criteria established by the authority, which criteria shall include, but not be limited to, the requirement that such jobs must be held by persons eligible for employment in the United States under applicable state and federal law. The authority shall require that binding commitments be entered into requiring that:
1. The minimum requirements for the project provided for in this subparagraph shall be met; and
2. That if such commitments are not met, all or a portion of the funds provided by the state for the project as determined by the authority shall be repaid.
Any enterprise owning or operating a major powertrain component manufacturing and assembly plant for which construction begins after May 11, 2007, and not later than December 1, 2007, with an initial capital investment from private sources of not less than Three Hundred Million Dollars ($300,000,000.00) which will create at least five hundred (500) new full-time jobs meeting criteria established by the authority, which criteria shall include, but not be limited to, the requirement that such jobs must be held by persons eligible for employment in the United States under applicable state and federal law, and the requirement that the average annual wages and taxable benefits of such jobs shall be at least one hundred twenty-five percent (125%) of the most recently published average annual wage of the state or the most recently published average annual wage of the county in which the project is located as determined by the Mississippi Department of Employment Security, whichever is the lesser. The authority shall require that binding commitments be entered into requiring that:
1. The minimum requirements for the project provided for in this subparagraph shall be met; and
2. That if such commitments are not met, all or a portion of the funds provided by the state for the project as determined by the authority shall be repaid.
Any biological and agricultural defense project operated by an agency of the government of the United States with an initial capital investment of not less than Four Hundred Fifty Million Dollars ($450,000,000.00) from any source other than the State of Mississippi and its subdivisions, which will create at least two hundred fifty (250) new full-time jobs. All jobs created by the project must be held by persons eligible for employment in the United States under applicable state and federal law.
Any enterprise owning or operating an existing tire manufacturing plant which adds to such plant capital assets of not less than Twenty-five Million Dollars ($25,000,000.00) after January 1, 2009, and that maintains at least one thousand two hundred (1,200) full-time jobs in this state at one (1) location with an average annual salary, excluding benefits which are not subject to Mississippi income taxes, of at least Forty-five Thousand Dollars ($45,000.00). The authority shall require that binding commitments be entered into requiring that:
1. The minimum requirements for the project provided for in this subparagraph shall be met; and
2. That if such commitments are not met, all or a portion of the funds provided by the state for the project as determined by the authority shall be repaid.
Any enterprise owning or operating a facility for the manufacture of composite components for the aerospace industry which will have an investment from private sources of not less than One Hundred Seventy-five Million Dollars ($175,000,000.00) by not later than December 31, 2015, and which will result in the full-time employment at the project site of not less than two hundred seventy-five (275) persons by December 31, 2011, and not less than four hundred twenty-five (425) persons by December 31, 2013, and not less than eight hundred (800) persons by December 31, 2017, all with an average annual compensation, excluding benefits which are not subject to Mississippi income taxes, of at least Fifty-three Thousand Dollars ($53,000.00). The authority shall require that binding commitments be entered into requiring that:
1. The minimum requirements for the project provided for in this subparagraph shall be met; and
2. That if such commitments are not met, all or a portion of the funds provided by the state for the project as determined by the authority shall be repaid.
Any enterprise owning or operating a facility for the manufacture of pipe which will have an investment from any source other than the State of Mississippi and its subdivisions of not less than Three Hundred Million Dollars ($300,000,000.00) by not later than December 31, 2015, and which will create at least five hundred (500) new full-time jobs within five (5) years after the start of commercial production and maintain such jobs for at least ten (10) years, all with an average annual compensation, excluding benefits which are not subject to Mississippi income taxes, of at least Thirty-two Thousand Dollars ($32,000.00). The authority shall require that binding commitments be entered into requiring that:
1. The minimum requirements for the project provided for in this subparagraph shall be met; and
2. That if such commitments are not met, all or a portion of the funds provided by the state for the project as determined by the authority shall be repaid.
Any enterprise owning or operating a facility for the manufacture of solar panels which will have an investment from any source other than the State of Mississippi and its subdivisions of not less than One Hundred Thirty-two Million Dollars ($132,000,000.00) by not later than December 31, 2015, and which will create at least five hundred (500) new full-time jobs within five (5) years after the start of commercial production and maintain such jobs for at least ten (10) years, all with an average annual compensation, excluding benefits which are not subject to Mississippi income taxes, of at least Thirty-four Thousand Dollars ($34,000.00). The authority shall require that binding commitments be entered into requiring that:
1. The minimum requirements for the project provided for in this subparagraph shall be met; and
2. That if such commitments are not met, all or a portion of the funds provided by the state for the project as determined by the authority shall be repaid.
1. Any enterprise owning or operating an automotive parts manufacturing plant and its affiliates for which construction begins after June 1, 2013, and not later than June 30, 2014, with an initial capital investment of not less than Three Hundred Million Dollars ($300,000,000.00) which will create at least five hundred (500) new full-time jobs meeting criteria established by the authority, which criteria shall include, but not be limited to, the requirement that such jobs must be held by persons eligible for employment in the United States under applicable state and federal law, and the requirement that the average annual wages and taxable benefits of such jobs shall be at least one hundred ten percent (110%) of the most recently published average annual wage of the state or the most recently published average annual wage of the county in which the project is located as determined by the Mississippi Department of Employment Security, whichever is the lesser. The authority shall require that binding commitments be entered into requiring that:
a. The minimum requirements for the project provided for in this subparagraph shall be met; and
b. That if such commitments are not met, all or a portion of the funds provided by the state for the project as determined by the authority shall be repaid.
2. It is anticipated that the project defined in this subparagraph (xxviii) will expand in three (3) additional phases, will create an additional five hundred (500) full-time jobs meeting the above criteria in each phase, and will invest an additional Three Hundred Million Dollars ($300,000,000.00) per phase.
Any enterprise engaged in the manufacture of tires or other related rubber or automotive products for which construction of a plant begins after January 1, 2016, and is substantially completed no later than December 31, 2022, and for which such enterprise commits to an aggregate capital investment by such enterprise and its affiliates of not less than One Billion Four Hundred Fifty Million Dollars ($1,450,000,000.00) and the creation thereby of at least two thousand five hundred (2,500) new full-time jobs meeting criteria established by the authority, which criteria shall include, but not be limited to, the requirement that such jobs must be held by persons eligible for employment in the United States under applicable state and federal law, and the requirement that the average annual salary or wage, excluding the value of any benefits which are not subject to Mississippi income tax, of such jobs shall be at least Forty Thousand Dollars ($40,000.00). The authority shall require that binding commitments be entered into requiring that:
1. Minimum requirements for investment and jobs for the project shall be met; and
2. If such requirements are not met, all or a portion of the funds provided by the state for the project may, as determined by the authority, be subject to repayment by such enterprise and/or its affiliates, together with any penalties or damages required by the authority in connection therewith.
Any enterprise owning or operating a maritime fabrication and assembly facility for which construction begins after February 1, 2016, and concludes not later than December 31, 2018, with an initial capital investment in land, buildings and equipment not less than Sixty-eight Million Dollars ($68,000,000.00) and will create not less than one thousand (1,000) new full-time jobs meeting criteria established by the authority, which criteria shall include, but not be limited to, the requirement that such jobs must be held by persons eligible for employment in the United States under applicable state and federal law, and the requirement that the average annual compensation, excluding benefits which are not subject to Mississippi income taxes, of at least Forty Thousand Dollars ($40,000.00). The authority shall require that binding commitments be entered into requiring that:
1. The minimum requirements for the project provided for in this subparagraph shall be met; and
2. If such commitments are not met, all or a portion of the funds provided by the state for the project may, as determined by the authority, be subject to repayment by such enterprise, together with any penalties or damages required by the authority in connection therewith.
(i) "Project area" means the project site, together with any area or territory within the state lying within sixty-five (65) miles of any portion of the project site whether or not such area or territory be contiguous; however, for the project defined in paragraph (f)(iv) of this section the term "project area" means any area or territory within the state. The project area shall also include all territory within a county if any portion of such county lies within sixty-five (65) miles of any portion of the project site. "Project site" means the real property on which the principal facilities of the enterprise will operate. The provisions of this subparagraph (i) shall not apply to a project as defined in paragraph (f)(xxi) of this section.
For the purposes of a project as defined in paragraph (f)(xxi) of this section, the term "project area" means the acreage authorized in the certificate of convenience and necessity issued by the Mississippi Development Authority to a regional economic development alliance under Section 57-64-1 et seq.
"Public agency" means:
Any department, board, commission, institution or other agency or instrumentality of the state;
Any city, town, county, political subdivision, school district or other district created or existing under the laws of the state or any public agency of any such city, town, county, political subdivision or district or any other public entity created or existing under local and private legislation;
Any department, commission, agency or instrumentality of the United States of America; and
Any other state of the United States of America which may be cooperating with respect to location of the project within the state, or any agency thereof.
"State" means State of Mississippi.
"Fee-in-lieu" means a negotiated fee to be paid by the project in lieu of any franchise taxes imposed on the project by Chapter 13, Title 27, Mississippi Code of 1972. The fee-in-lieu shall not be less than Twenty-five Thousand Dollars ($25,000.00) annually. A fee-in-lieu may be negotiated with an enterprise operating an existing project defined in paragraph (f)(iv)1 of this section; however, a fee-in-lieu shall not be negotiated for other existing enterprises that fall within the definition of the term "project."
"Affiliate" means a subsidiary or related business entity which shares a common direct or indirect ownership with the enterprise owning or operating a project as defined in paragraph (f)(xxi), paragraph (f)(xxviii) or paragraph (f)(xxix) of this section. The subsidiary or related business must provide services directly related to the core activities of the project.
"Tier One supplier" means a supplier of a project as defined in paragraph (f)(xxi) of this section that is certified by the enterprise owning the project and creates a minimum of fifty (50) new full-time jobs.

Structure Mississippi Code

Mississippi Code

Title 57 - Planning, Research and Development

Chapter 75 - Mississippi Major Economic Impact Act

§ 57-75-1. Short title

§ 57-75-3. Legislative findings and declarations

§ 57-75-5. Definitions

§ 57-75-11. General powers and duties of authority

§ 57-75-13. Powers and duties of Board of Trustees of State Institutions of Higher Learning

§ 57-75-15. Powers and duties of State Bond Commission

§ 57-75-15. Powers and duties of State Bond Commission

§ 57-75-15. Powers and duties of State Bond Commission

§ 57-75-19. Approval by county, municipality and/or school district for development of project or facility

§ 57-75-22. Highway projects constructed or improved for certain projects under this chapter to be under jurisdiction of Mississippi Transportation Commission

§ 57-75-23. Construction of act

§ 57-75-25. Derivation of income from issuance of bonds by certain persons

§ 57-75-27. Provision of buffer zone for NASA facility in Tishomingo County

§ 57-75-33. Counties and municipalities authorized to enter into agreements with enterprises operating certain projects, providing that no taxes, fees or assessments will be levied upon the enterprise other than those generally levied upon all taxpay...

§ 57-75-35. Counties and municipalities authorized to enter into agreements with enterprises operating certain projects, providing that a county or municipality will approve requests for exemption from ad valorem taxes by supplier

§ 57-75-37. Certain counties authorized to contribute or lend funds to enterprises owning or operating certain projects; county may issue bonds to provide funds for such purposes; county may donate property for use in the location, construction, or o...