Mississippi Code
Chapter 49 - Nuclear Waste Storage and Disposal
§ 57-49-25. Application for permit to conduct site characterization studies

An application for a permit to conduct site characterization studies which shall be filed pursuant to this chapter shall contain the following information and materials:
A description of the proposed activities, including maps, present and proposed development, and geological, seismic, ecological, hydrological, biological, aesthetic, social, demographic and related data as appropriate;
A statement of the ownership and other financial interests in the facility;
An estimate of the costs of the proposed activities, if any, and the source of the funds therefor;
A statement of the need for the proposed activities, including the sources, type, and composition of the nuclear waste proposed to be received for storage at the facility;
A plan for decontamination and decommissioning of the facility and the possibility of restoration of the site to unrestricted use, including the costs thereof and the source of the funds therefor;
An assessment of the environmental impacts of the proposed action, including the preparation of a formal environment assessment, such assessment to include at a minimum:
An assessment of the safety and adequacy of in-state transportation access to the site for construction and maintenance purposes;
A disposal plan and assured funding mechanism for the nuclear waste proposed to be stored at the facility, including the costs of such disposal and the source of the funds therefor; and
A complete survey by the applicant of its expertise and experience in all other fields of study in relation to high-level radioactive waste disposal, to include the general conclusions and technical results and findings of those activities.

Structure Mississippi Code

Mississippi Code

Title 57 - Planning, Research and Development

Chapter 49 - Nuclear Waste Storage and Disposal

§ 57-49-1. Transfer of duties of Mississippi Energy and Transportation Board to Department of Environmental Quality; creation of nuclear waste policy advisory council and nuclear waste technical review committee

§ 57-49-3. Definitions

§ 57-49-7. Composition of nuclear waste policy advisory council; qualifications, appointment, terms of office and compensation of members; officers

§ 57-49-9. General duties of nuclear waste policy advisory council

§ 57-49-11. Composition of nuclear waste technical review committee; qualifications, appointment, terms of office and compensation of members; officers

§ 57-49-13. General duties of nuclear waste technical review committee

§ 57-49-15. Advocacy for citizens before federal agencies

§ 57-49-17. Promotion and coordination of educational programs

§ 57-49-19. Review of applications for funds for program related to nuclear waste storage or disposal; disposition

§ 57-49-21. Monitoring of federal activities related to nuclear waste storage or disposal

§ 57-49-23. Protection of state's interest in nuclear waste storage or disposal matters through judicial proceedings

§ 57-49-25. Application for permit to conduct site characterization studies

§ 57-49-27. Requirement of written agreement between state and federal department of energy prior to initiation of nuclear waste site characterization activities; briefing by federal officials; report by state officials

§ 57-49-33. Agreements and summaries of local hearings to be submitted to Governor

§ 57-49-37. Implementation of agreements, modifications and technical revisions

§ 57-49-39. Funding of expenses

§ 57-49-41. Assistance from other state agencies

§ 57-49-43. Construction of chapter