Mississippi Code
Chapter 33 - Southern Growth Policies Agreement
§ 57-33-1. Approval and terms of agreement

The State of Mississippi shall adhere to the Southern Growth Policies Agreement by becoming a party state therein in the form substantially as follows:
Article I. Findings and Purposes
The party states find that the South has a sense of community based on common social, cultural and economic needs, and fostered by a regional tradition. There are vast potentialities for mutual improvement of each state in the region by cooperative planning for the development, conservation and efficient utilization of human and natural resources in a geographic area large enough to afford a high degree of flexibility in identifying and taking maximum advantage of opportunities for healthy and beneficial growth. The independence of each state and the special needs of subregions are recognized and are to be safeguarded. Accordingly, the cooperation resulting from this agreement is intended to assist the states in meeting their own problems by enhancing their abilities to recognize and analyze regional opportunities and take account of regional influences in planning and implementing their public policies.
The purposes of this agreement are to provide:
Article II. The Board
The governor.
Two (2) members of the state legislature, one (1) appointed by the presiding officer of each house of the legislature or in such other manner as the legislature may provide.
Two (2) residents of the state who shall be appointed by the governor to serve at his pleasure.
Article III. Powers
Article IV. Avoidance of Duplication
Article V. Advisory Committees
The board shall establish a local governments advisory committee. In addition, the board may establish advisory committees representative of subregions of the South, civic and community interests, industry, agriculture, labor, or other categories or any combinations thereof. Unless the laws of a party state contain a contrary requirement, any public official of the party state or a subdivision thereof may serve on an advisory committee established pursuant hereto, and such service may be considered as a duty of his regular office or employment.
Article VI. Internal Management of the Board
Article VII. Finance
In implementing this formula, the board shall employ the most recent authoritative sources of information and shall specify the sources used.
Article VIII. Cooperation With the Federal Government and Other Governmental Entities
Each party state is hereby authorized to participate in cooperative or joint planning undertakings with the federal government, and any appropriate agency or agencies thereof, or with any interstate agency or agencies. Such participation shall be at the instance of the governor or in such manner as state law may provide or authorize. The board may facilitate the work of state representatives in any joint interstate or cooperative federal-state undertaking authorized by this article, and each such state shall keep the board advised of its activities in respect of such undertakings, to the extent that they have interstate or regional significance.
Article IX. Subregional Activities
The board may undertake studies or investigations centering on the problems of one or more selected subareas within the region: provided that in its judgment, such studies or investigations will have value as demonstrations for similar or other areas within the region. If a study or investigation that would be of primary benefit to a given state, unit of local government, or intrastate or interstate area is proposed, and if the board finds that it is not justified in undertaking the work for its regional value as a demonstration, the board may undertake the study or investigation as a special project. In any such event, it shall be a condition precedent that satisfactory financing and personnel arrangements be concluded to assure that the party or parties benefited bear all costs which the board determines that it would be inequitable for it to assume. Prior to undertaking any study or investigation pursuant to this article as a special project, the board shall make reasonable efforts to secure the undertaking of the work by another responsible public or private entity in accordance with the policy set forth in Article IV(b).
Article X. Comprehensive Land Use Planning
If any two (2) or more contiguous party states desire to prepare a single or consolidated comprehensive land use plan, or a land use plan for any interstate area lying partly within each such state, the governors of the states involved may designate the board as their joint agency for the purpose. The board shall accept such designation and carry out such responsibility: provided that the states involved make arrangements satisfactory to the board to reimburse it or otherwise provide the resources with which the land use plan is to be prepared. Nothing contained in this article shall be construed to deny the availability for use in the preparation of any such plan of data and information already in the possession of the board or to require payment on account of the use thereof in addition to payments otherwise required to be made pursuant to other provisions of this agreement.
Article XI. Compacts and Agencies Unaffected
Nothing in this agreement shall be construed to:
Article XII. Eligible Parties; Entry Into and Withdrawal
Article XIII. Construction and Severability
This agreement shall be liberally construed so as to effectuate the purposes thereof. The provisions of this agreement shall be severable, and if any phrase, clause, sentence or provision of this agreement is declared to be contrary to the Constitution of any state or of the United States, or the application thereof to any government, agency, person or circumstance is held invalid, the validity of the remainder of this agreement and the applicability thereof to any government, agency, person or circumstance shall not be affected thereby. If this agreement shall be held contrary to the Constitution of any state participating therein, the agreement shall remain in full force and effect as to the state affected as to all severable matters.
A legislative member of the board may be represented by an alternate with power to act in his place and stead unless the laws of his state prohibit such representation and if notice of the designation of such alternate is given to the board in such manner as its bylaws may provide. An alternate for a legislative member of the board shall be selected by the member from among the members of the legislative house in which he serves.
A member of the board serving pursuant to paragraph (b)(3) of this article may be represented by another resident of his state who may participate in his place and stead, except that he shall not vote, provided that notice of the identity and designation of the representative selected by the member is given to the board in such manner as its bylaws may provide.
The planning and programming of projects of interstate or regional significance.
Planning and scheduling of governmental services and programs which would be of assistance to the orderly growth and prosperity of the region, and to the well-being of its population.
Effective utilization of such federal assistance as may be available on a regional basis or as may have an interstate or regional impact.
Measures for influencing population distribution, land use, development of new communities, and redevelopment of existing ones.
A budget or appropriation request.
The statement of regional objectives or any amendment, supplement or revision thereof.
Official comments on or recommendations with respect to projects of interstate or regional significance.
The annual report.
One-third (1/3) in equal shares,
One-third (1/3) in the proportion that the population of a party state bears to the population of all party states, and
One-third (1/3) in the proportion that the per capita income in a party state bears to the per capita income in all party states.
Affect the powers or jurisdiction of any agency of a party state or any subdivision thereof.
Affect the rights or obligations of any governmental units, agencies or officials, or of any private persons or entities conferred or imposed by any interstate or interstate-federal compacts to which any one or more states participating herein are parties.
Impinge on the jurisdiction of any existing interstate-federal mechanism for regional planning or development.