Mississippi Code
Chapter 7 - Bridge and Park Commissions
§ 55-7-29. Acceptance of federal aid and assistance

Notwithstanding any provision in this chapter to the contrary, the bridge and park commission shall have the power and is authorized, in connection with its work of development and functions as provided in this chapter, to accept contributions or loans from the United States, or a federal department, instrumentality, or agency for financing or aiding in the financing of the cost of preliminary investigations and studies, surveys, plans and specifications, procedures and other action preliminary to construction, and the construction, maintenance and operation of anything authorized in this chapter.
The commission may enter into contracts and cooperate with the United States or a federal department, instrumentality, or agency in the making of preliminary investigations, studies and surveys, preparation of plans and specifications and in the accomplishment of procedures and other action preliminary to construction, and the construction, maintenance and operation, and in financing or aiding in financing the cost of preliminary investigations and studies, surveys, plans and specifications, procedures and other action preliminary to construction and of the construction, maintenance, and operation of anything authorized in this chapter. The commission may do any and all things necessary to avail itself of such aid and cooperation, so long as such action is in strict accordance with the laws of the State of Mississippi.

Structure Mississippi Code

Mississippi Code

Title 55 - Parks and Recreation

Chapter 7 - Bridge and Park Commissions

§ 55-7-1. Purpose of chapter

§ 55-7-3. General grant of authority to certain municipalities and counties

§ 55-7-5. Creation of commission; composition; qualifications, appointment, terms of office, oath, and bond of members

§ 55-7-7. Organization; vacancies; commissioners not to be pecuniarily interested in activities of commission; meetings

§ 55-7-9. Compensation of members of commission

§ 55-7-11. General powers of commission

§ 55-7-13. Acquisition of lands by commission; authorization

§ 55-7-15. Acquisition of lands by commission; confirmation of title to submerged lands

§ 55-7-17. Construction, operation, etc., of bridges, ferries, causeways, and tunnels by commission

§ 55-7-19. Improvement, etc., of lands acquired by commission

§ 55-7-23. Power to fix and collect rates, fees, charges and tolls for use of services and facilities

§ 55-7-25. Employment of personnel by commission

§ 55-7-27. Dredging, etc., of channels

§ 55-7-29. Acceptance of federal aid and assistance

§ 55-7-31. Disposition of revenues of commission

§ 55-7-33. Issuance of bonds by commission generally

§ 55-7-35. Imposition of tax levy for payment of bonds

§ 55-7-37. Division of ad valorem taxes on commission's property

§ 55-7-39. Details of bonds; execution and sale of bonds

§ 55-7-41. Security for payment of bonds generally

§ 55-7-43. Pledge of income, revenues and grants for payment of bonds; contents of bond issue resolution

§ 55-7-45. Pledge of or payments from revenue derived through Section 65-33-45

§ 55-7-47. Validation of bonds

§ 55-7-49. Rates, fees, charges, and tolls for services or use of facilities

§ 55-7-51. Enforcement of rights of bondholders

§ 55-7-53. Incorporation of islands into municipality

§ 55-7-55. Cooperation with other state entities

§ 55-7-57. Construction of chapter; authority and powers conferred

§ 55-7-59. Construction of chapter; cumulative and supplemental; repeal or impairment of other laws