Mississippi Code
Article 3 - Pearl River Valley Water Supply District
§ 51-9-123. Construction contracts

All construction contracts by the district, where the amount of the contract shall exceed two thousand five hundred dollars ($2,500.00), shall be made upon at least three weeks' public notice by advertisement in a newspaper of general circulation in the district, which notice shall state the thing to be done and invite sealed proposals, to be filed with the secretary of the district, to do the work; and in all such cases, before the notice shall be published, the plans and specification for the work shall be filed with the secretary of the district and there remain. The board of directors of the district shall award the contract to the lowest bidder, who will comply with the terms imposed by such board and enter into bond with sufficient sureties, to be approved by the board, in such penalty as shall be fixed by such board, but in no case to be less than the contract price, conditioned for the prompt, proper, and efficient performance of the contract.

Structure Mississippi Code

Mississippi Code

Title 51 - Waters, Water Resources, Water Districts, Drainage, and Flood Control

Chapter 9 - Development of Region Bordering Pearl River; Pearl River Valley Water Supply District; Metropolitan Area Water Supply Act

Article 3 - Pearl River Valley Water Supply District

§ 51-9-101. Citation of article

§ 51-9-103. Legislative determination and declaration of policy

§ 51-9-105. General authority to organize

§ 51-9-107. Board of directors

§ 51-9-109. Petition for creation of district

§ 51-9-111. Proceedings after petition filed

§ 51-9-113. Hearing

§ 51-9-115. Order and notice of election

§ 51-9-117. Election

§ 51-9-119. Appeals

§ 51-9-121. Powers of district

§ 51-9-123. Construction contracts

§ 51-9-125. Park and recreation facilities

§ 51-9-127. Rules and regulations

§ 51-9-129. Appropriation permit

§ 51-9-131. State tax used for water supply district fund

§ 51-9-133. Board of directors to issue bonds

§ 51-9-135. Details of bonds; supplemental powers conferred in issuance of bonds

§ 51-9-137. Limitation on amount of bonds

§ 51-9-139. Special tax levy for payment of bonds

§ 51-9-141. Validation of bonds

§ 51-9-143. Trust agreement

§ 51-9-145. Refunding bonds

§ 51-9-147. Bonds to be legal investments

§ 51-9-151. Agreements relative to federal highways

§ 51-9-153. Cooperation with other governmental agencies

§ 51-9-155. Water supply district law controlling

§ 51-9-157. District and its bonds exempt from taxation

§ 51-9-159. Preliminary expenses

§ 51-9-161. Overflow of school lands not to constitute waste

§ 51-9-163. Savings clause