Mississippi Code
Chapter 1 - Legislature
§ 5-1-13. Organization of the senate

At the hour of twelve o'clock, noon, on the day appointed for the meeting of any regular session of the legislature, the lieutenant-governor shall take the chair in the senate chamber and call the list of senatorial districts in their numerical order. Upon the call of districts the senators-elect therefrom shall present their certificates of election, which shall be prima facie evidence of the right of membership. After the call of districts and the presentation of the certificates, each senator then present shall take the oath of office prescribed by section forty of the constitution, which oath may be administered by the lieutenant-governor. The lieutenant-governor shall cause to be kept, by the secretary of the last senate or other proper person, a record of the proceedings of organization, which shall form a part of the journal of the senate. At any session where the senate has been previously organized, any new senator, on presenting his certificate of election, shall be sworn as in other cases.

Structure Mississippi Code

Mississippi Code

Title 5 - Legislative Department

Chapter 1 - Legislature

§ 5-1-1. Apportionment of representatives

§ 5-1-2. Nomination and election of representatives by posts in districts having more than one representative

§ 5-1-3. Apportionment of senators

§ 5-1-4. Nomination and election of senators by posts in districts where more than one senator is to be elected

§ 5-1-5. Qualified person may be candidate for state senator; election conducted on senatorial district basis; names on ballots

§ 5-1-7. Holding of meetings

§ 5-1-9. Organization of the house of representatives

§ 5-1-11. Election of officers of house of representatives

§ 5-1-13. Organization of the senate

§ 5-1-15. Election of officers of the senate

§ 5-1-17. Organization in absence of the proper officer

§ 5-1-19. Officers of the legislature and committee chairmen authorized to administer oaths

§ 5-1-21. Subpoena for witnesses

§ 5-1-23. Proceedings against recalcitrant witnesses

§ 5-1-25. Witnesses not liable to prosecution in certain cases

§ 5-1-27. Perjury

§ 5-1-29. Additional duties of legislators

§ 5-1-31. Duties of secretary and clerk

§ 5-1-33. Provision of manuscripts and indexes of House and Senate journals

§ 5-1-35. Duty of the sergeant-at-arms

§ 5-1-39. Dismissal of officers and servants

§ 5-1-41. Remuneration of legislators

§ 5-1-45. Remuneration of the president pro tempore of the senate

§ 5-1-46. Remuneration of the Speaker Pro Tempore of the House of Representatives

§ 5-1-51. When compensation is due

§ 5-1-55. How compensation is obtained

§ 5-1-59. Renumeration of witnesses for state

§ 5-1-61. Joint convention; place and time of assemblage

§ 5-1-63. Joint convention; limitation on powers

§ 5-1-65. Joint convention; presiding officers and records

§ 5-1-67. Joint convention; rules

§ 5-1-69. Joint convention; votes and elections

§ 5-1-71. Joint convention; majority to elect

§ 5-1-73. Joint convention; punishment of members

§ 5-1-75. Joint convention; punishment of persons not members

§ 5-1-77. Mail carrier and distributor for legislature

§ 5-1-81. Location of post office

§ 5-1-83. Capitol Commission to fit up post office

§ 5-1-85. Publication of fiscal note for certain bills or concurrent resolutions