The powers conferred by this article shall be in addition and supplemental to the powers conferred by any other law.
Structure Mississippi Code
Chapter 33 - Housing and Housing Authorities
Article 1 - Housing Authorities
§ 43-33-3. Finding and declaration of necessity
§ 43-33-5. Housing authorities created
§ 43-33-7. Appointment, qualifications and tenure of commissioners
§ 43-33-11. Powers of authority
§ 43-33-13. Operation not for profit
§ 43-33-15. Rentals and tenant selection
§ 43-33-17. Cooperation of authorities
§ 43-33-21. Planning, zoning and building laws
§ 43-33-25. Form and sale of bonds
§ 43-33-27. Provisions of bonds, trust indentures, and mortgages
§ 43-33-28. Issuance of leased housing revenue refunding bonds by certain housing authorities
§ 43-33-29. Remedies of an obligee of authority
§ 43-33-31. Additional remedies conferable by authority
§ 43-33-33. Exemption of property from execution sale
§ 43-33-35. Aid from federal government
§ 43-33-37. Tax exemption and payments in lieu of taxes
§ 43-33-39. Housing bonds to be legal investments, legal security and negotiable
§ 43-33-43. Cooperation in undertaking housing projects
§ 43-33-45. Agreements as to payments by housing authority
§ 43-33-47. Advances to housing authority
§ 43-33-49. Procedure for exercising powers