The Division of Medicaid shall submit a final Advanced Planning Document to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) for the purpose of applying for the OMB A87 exception to support the integration of eligibility systems between the division and any applicable Department of Human Services program where an integrated system of eligibility will serve the state's interest in developing shared eligibility services across health and human services programs, while at the same time promoting and enhancing the state's efforts of ensuring maximum program integrity across each agency. In preparing the final Advanced Planning Document, the division also shall:
Identify functions that can be leveraged or shared across the state Medicaid program and other Department of Human Services programs;
Weigh benefits of shared systems;
Identify interoperability and integration goals;
Seek guidance from the Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services (CMS) and the Office for the Administration of Children and Families (ACF) on state ideas before submitting the Advanced Planning Document; and
Ensure that the enhancement to front end identity and asset verification is an integral part of the advanced planning and integration process going forward.
The division shall submit a report on its progress to the chairmen of the House and Senate Medicaid Committees within ninety (90) business days and on a quarterly basis thereafter until the final Advanced Planning Document is completed. The report also shall be provided to the other members of the Legislature upon request.
Structure Mississippi Code
Chapter 12 - Medicaid and Human Services Transparency and Fraud Prevention Act
§ 43-12-3. Integration of eligibility systems
§ 43-12-9. Enhanced identity authentication process
§ 43-12-13. Referrals for fraud, misrepresentation, or inadequate documentation
§ 43-12-17. Transparency in Medicaid
§ 43-12-21. Federal asset limits for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program
§ 43-12-27. Maximum family grant
§ 43-12-29. Verify identities and household composition, and all expenses of welfare applicants
§ 43-12-31. Full cooperation with fraud investigations
§ 43-12-33. Gaps in eligibility reporting
§ 43-12-71. Eligibility for TANF or SNAP benefits following certain criminal convictions