Mississippi Code
Chapter 73 - Hospital Equipment and Facilities Authority Act
§ 41-73-29. Duties of authority

The authority shall have the following duties:

Structure Mississippi Code

Mississippi Code

Title 41 - Public Health

Chapter 73 - Hospital Equipment and Facilities Authority Act

§ 41-73-1. Short title

§ 41-73-3. Legislative findings; declaration of public purpose

§ 41-73-5. Definitions

§ 41-73-9. Terms of members of authority; vacancies; removal; oath

§ 41-73-11. Officers of authority; per diem and expenses of members

§ 41-73-13. Quorum; vote required for action

§ 41-73-15. Regular and called meetings

§ 41-73-17. Executive director; duties; contracting for administrative services; payment; secretary; duties

§ 41-73-19. Additional officers, agents or employees

§ 41-73-21. Conflict of interest of member, employee or agent; disclosure required; effect of disclosure

§ 41-73-23. State office or position not forfeited by virtue of authority membership or service

§ 41-73-25. Surety bonds of members and executive director; blanket bond authorized; conditions of bonds; costs

§ 41-73-27. Powers of authority

§ 41-73-29. Duties of authority

§ 41-73-31. Additional powers; providing hospital equipment or hospital facilities for use in hospitals in state

§ 41-73-33. Security requirements with respect to hospital equipment or hospital facilities lease, installment purchase contract, or loan agreement

§ 41-73-35. Authority may issue bonds; purposes; authorization; issuance

§ 41-73-39. Disposition of proceeds; administrative expenses

§ 41-73-41. Refunding bonds authorized

§ 41-73-43. Trust indentures

§ 41-73-45. Contracts with bond holders; contents

§ 41-73-47. Community hospitals may contract with authority for financing or refinancing of hospital equipment or facilities; payments as operating expenses; priority; security interests in hospital facilities and equipment; maximum principal amount...

§ 41-73-49. Bonds to be general obligation bonds; additional security authorized

§ 41-73-51. Authority's bonds do not obligate state; neither faith and credit nor taxing power of state or subdivisions pledged

§ 41-73-53. Pledges

§ 41-73-55. Repurchase of bonds; cancellation

§ 41-73-57. Bonds are negotiable instruments, subject to registration provisions of bonds

§ 41-73-59. Immunity from liability

§ 41-73-61. Funds and accounts

§ 41-73-63. Deposits; checks; security for deposits

§ 41-73-65. Payment of expenses of authority; state and political subdivisions to be held harmless

§ 41-73-67. Property of authority as public property; tax exemption; assets to go to state upon dissolution of authority

§ 41-73-69. Bonds of authority as legal investments and as security for public deposits

§ 41-73-71. Annual report of authority

§ 41-73-73. State officers and agencies to cooperate with authority

§ 41-73-75. Chapter cumulative and supplemental as to powers of authority; bonds exempt from other laws governing issuance of bonds