Mississippi Code
Article 3 - Mississippi Library Commission
§ 39-3-101. Creation; composition; qualifications, appointment and terms of office of members

There is hereby created a board of commissioners of the Mississippi Library Commission to be composed of five members appointed by the governor with overlapping terms, the members of the first board to be appointed one for one year, one for two years, one for three years, one for four years, one for five years, and their successors each to be appointed for five year terms, each member to serve until his successor is appointed. Two members shall be appointed by the governor from the state at large. Two members shall be appointed by the governor from a list of not less than six names submitted by the Mississippi library association, one of whom shall be a librarian who is a graduate of a library school accredited by the American Library Association and actively engaged in full time library work at the time of the appointment and one of whom shall be, at time of the appointment, a member of a legally organized board of trustees of a Mississippi free public library; and one member shall be the president of the Mississippi Federation of Women's Clubs, or a member of said federation recommended by her; and which federation member shall, when appointed, serve a full term as herein provided for members to serve under a staggered term basis, and the successor to the federation member shall be the president of the federation then serving, or a member of the federation recommended by her, when the term of the federation member shall expire; and after the appointment of a federation member to the board, and when her term as a member thereof shall expire, each succeeding member of the federation who becomes a member of the board shall serve a full term under the provisions of this article. Vacancies created by resignation shall be filled by appointment for the unexpired term.