Mississippi Code
Chapter 13 - Historic Preservation Districts and Landmarks
§ 39-13-9. Appropriations; application by locality to participate in Certified Local Government Program of the National Park Service; eminent domain

The governing authority of any county or municipality, individually or jointly, is authorized to make appropriations to a historic preservation commission, in any amount that it may determine necessary for the expenses of the operation of such commission. A governing authority may apply to participate in the Certified Local Government Program of the National Park Service, which is administered in Mississippi by the Department of Archives and History and may on behalf of a local historic preservation commission apply for funding from the Department of Archives and History to supplement funds available from the governing authority itself. Said governing authorities shall not be empowered to acquire by eminent domain any historic preservation properties unless such properties are needed for governmental purposes other than historic preservation.

Structure Mississippi Code

Mississippi Code

Title 39 - Libraries, Arts, Archives and History

Chapter 13 - Historic Preservation Districts and Landmarks

§ 39-13-1. Short title

§ 39-13-2. Definitions

§ 39-13-3. Authority to create local historic preservation commissions; authority and procedure for establishment of districts and designation of landmarks

§ 39-13-5. Historic preservation commissions; powers and duties; composition; terms of office; officers; minutes of meetings

§ 39-13-7. Notification to Department of Archives and History of proposed designation of historic district or local historic preservation commission; comments by department concerning proposed district or commission

§ 39-13-9. Appropriations; application by locality to participate in Certified Local Government Program of the National Park Service; eminent domain

§ 39-13-11. Designation of historic districts, landmarks, and landmark sites; procedures; vote of historic preservation commission; public hearing; vote of local governing authority to adopt or reject designation

§ 39-13-13. Issuance of certificates of appropriateness for certain construction, alteration, demolition or relocation of structures within a historic district or landmark property

§ 39-13-15. Demolition by neglect; demolition of historic landmark or landmark site without review and approval by historic preservation commission

§ 39-13-17. Penalties for violations; separate offense for each day violation exists

§ 39-13-19. Appeal

§ 39-13-21. In general

§ 39-13-23. Effect on existing historic preservation commissions and historic district or landmark designations