Mississippi Code
Disposition of Property Not Needed for School Purposes; Additional Method
§ 37-7-471. Authorization of sale, lease, etc., of property not used for school purposes; terms, conditions and consideration of sale

Whenever the school board of any school district shall find and determine, by resolution duly and lawfully adopted and spread upon its minutes:
That any school building, land, property or other school facility is no longer needed for school or related purposes and is not to be used in the operation of the schools of the district, or that such school building, land, property or other school facility may yield a higher long-term economic value to the district, in the discretion of the local school board;
That the sale of the property in the manner otherwise provided by law is not necessary or desirable for the financial welfare of the school district; and
That the use of the school building, land, property or other school facility for the purpose for which it is to be sold, conveyed or leased will promote and foster the development and improvement of the community in which it is located and the civic, social, educational, cultural, moral, economic or industrial welfare thereof, the school board of such school district shall be authorized and empowered, in its discretion, and upon the terms and conditions set forth in Section 37-7-477, to sell, convey, lease or otherwise dispose of same for any of the purposes set forth herein. Such sale, conveyance, lease or other disposition, including retention of partial interest, or undivided interest or other ownership interest, shall be made upon such terms and conditions and for such consideration, nominal or otherwise, as the school board may, in its discretion, deem proper in consideration of the benefits which will inure to the school district or the community in which the school building, property or other facility is located by the use thereof for the purpose for which it is to be sold, conveyed, leased or otherwise disposed of. The authority conferred by Sections 37-7-471 through 37-7-483 may be exercised by a school board in the sale, conveyance or lease of relocatable classrooms to the school board of another school district. Said sections without reference to another statute shall be deemed full and complete power for the exercise of the authority conferred hereby.