Mississippi Code
Article 19 - Commission on School District Efficiency
§ 37-7-1001. Establishment; purpose; findings and recommendations; membership

The State Board of Education is hereby authorized to establish a Standing Commission on School District Efficiency.The commission shall meet and study the operations, rules, policies and regulations in school districts on an ongoing basis for the purpose of identifying opportunities to increase efficiencies, and to determine appropriate efficiency standards that should be considered for accreditation standards.The commission shall report annually its findings and recommendations to the State Board of Education, and the State Board of Education may make its report and recommendations annually to the Legislature seeking legislative support to achieve efficiencies in school districts.In establishing the Standing Commission on School District Efficiency the State Board of Education shall provide that the membership not be less than six (6) members.The State Board of Education shall appoint school district employees proficient in the areas of fiscal management, procurement, data processing or other fields of school business, with at least one (1) member being appointed from each congressional district.The commission shall meet on a date designated by the State Superintendent of Education and organize by selecting a chairman and adopt rules for conducting business.Members of the commission shall serve without compensation, but may be reimbursed for necessary travel expenses from any available funds for attending official meetings of the commission.The State Department of Education shall provide necessary administrative and clerical support for the functions of the commission.