Mississippi Code
Chapter 61 - Expenditure of School Funds; Budgets
§ 37-61-37. Mississippi Public Education Support Fund

There is established in the State Treasury a fund known as the "Mississippi Public Education Support Fund" (hereinafter referred to as "fund"). The fund shall consist of monies required to be deposited therein under Section 27-19-56.34, and such other monies as the Legislature may authorize or direct to be deposited into the fund. Monies in the fund, upon appropriation by the Legislature, may be expended by the Mississippi Department of Education for classroom supplies, instructional materials and equipment, including computers and computer software, to be distributed to all school districts in the proportion that the average daily attendance of each school district bears to the average daily attendance of all school districts within the state. Unexpended amounts remaining in the fund at the end of the fiscal year shall not lapse into the State General Fund, and any interest earned or investment earnings on amounts in the fund shall be deposited to the credit of the fund.