Mississippi Code
Article 3 - Additional Authority to Issue Notes and Certificates of Indebtedness
§ 37-59-105. Declaration of intention by local authorities; election; issuance of indebtedness

The said resolution adopted by the school board pursuant to Section 37-59-103 shall be published once each week for two (2) consecutive weeks in a newspaper having a general circulation in the school district involved, with the first publication thereof to be made not less than fifteen (15) days prior to the date upon which the school board is to take final action upon the question of authorizing the borrowing of said money. If no petition requesting an election is filed prior to such meeting, then the school board shall, at said meeting, by resolution spread upon its minutes, give final approval to the borrowing of said money and shall authorize the issuance of negotiable notes or certificates of indebtedness of the school district therefor in accordance with the provisions of this article.
If at any time prior to said meeting a petition signed by not less than twenty percent (20%) of the qualified electors of the school district involved shall be filed with the school board requesting that an election be called on the question of incurring said indebtedness, then the school board shall, not later than the next regular meeting, adopt a resolution calling an election to be held within such school district upon the question of the incurring of said indebtedness for the purposes and in the amount requested. Such election shall be called and held, and notice thereof shall be given, in the same manner provided in Article 1 of this chapter for elections upon the question of the issuance of the bonds of school districts, and the results thereof shall be certified to the school board. If three-fifths (3/5) of the qualified electors voting in said election shall vote in favor of incurring said indebtedness, then the school board shall proceed to issue said negotiable notes or certificates of indebtedness as prayed for in the original resolution of the school board; however, if less than three-fifths (3/5) of the qualified electors voting in said election vote in favor of incurring said indebtedness, then said notes or certificates of indebtedness shall not be issued.
Money may be borrowed under the provisions of this article and the negotiable notes or certificates of indebtedness evidencing same may be issued as provided in this article (1) without the necessity of being authorized in an election called for that purpose, except where a petition requesting an election is filed as provided herein and (2) without the necessity of giving notice thereof except as specifically provided herein, and specifically without the necessity of complying with the requirements of Section 31-19-25.