Mississippi Code
Additional Tax Levy to Support School Districts' Expenditures
§ 37-57-108. Issuance of promissory notes by school districts in event of revenue shortfall

In the event that the amount of revenue collected or estimated to be collected from local sources, on behalf of a school district during a fiscal year, is less than the amount provided for in the duly adopted budget of said school district for the fiscal year, then the school district may issue promissory notes in an amount and in the manner set forth in Section 27-39-333, not to exceed the estimated shortfall of revenue from local sources, but in no event to exceed twenty-five percent (25%) of its budget anticipated to be funded from the sources of the shortfall for the fiscal year. A school district issuing notes under the provisions of this section shall not be required to publish notice of its intention to do so or to secure the consent of the qualified electors or the tax levying authority of such school district.