Mississippi Code
Chapter 43 - Textbooks
§ 37-43-41. State Textbook Fund; Local School District Textbook Carryover Fund

The State Textbook Fund of Mississippi shall consist of the amounts appropriated by the Legislature for the same, all monies accruing from the sale of disused books from other than public schools, all monies derived from the purchase of books by both public and private schools trustees, and by private individuals, all monies collected in damage suits under the terms of this chapter, and all other monies collected in any way whatsoever under the terms of this chapter.
There is hereby created a special fund in the State Treasury to be designated as the "Local School District Textbook Carryover Fund." Said fund shall be credited with any funds which were appropriated by the Legislature to the State Textbook Fund for any fiscal year in which said funds were allocated to local school districts but unexpended by said districts. Said unexpended funds shall be deposited by the board into the Local School District Textbook Carryover Fund to the credit of the local school districts which were originally allocated such funds. All carryover funds which exist on June 30, 1994 which belong to public school districts shall be disbursed to the respective school districts. Carryover funds for other than public schools shall be handled in the same manner as previously described in this section.