Mississippi Code
Vocational Rehabilitation Law
§ 37-33-15. Administration of Office of Vocational Rehabilitation; general powers and duties of Director

The Office of Vocational Rehabilitation established by Section 37-33-153 shall be administered by a director appointed by the executive director in conformity with policies adopted by the department. The Director of the Office of Vocational Rehabilitation shall devote his or her full time to the administration of vocational rehabilitation. In carrying out his or her duties under the Vocational Rehabilitation Law, the director:
Shall, with the approval of the executive director, make regulations governing the protection of records and confidential information, the manner and form of filing applications, eligibility and investigations and determinations thereof for vocational rehabilitation services, procedures for fair hearings, and such other regulations as are found necessary to carry out the purposes of that law;
Shall, with the approval of the executive director, establish appropriate subordinate administrative units within the office;
Shall, with the approval of the executive director, recommend for appointment such personnel as may be necessary for the efficient performance of the functions of the office;
Shall prepare and submit to the state board through the executive director annual reports of activities and expenditures and, before each regular session of the Legislature, shall submit estimates of sums required for carrying out the Vocational Rehabilitation Law and estimates of the amounts to be made available for this purpose from all sources;
Shall, if the executive director so authorizes, make certifications on behalf of the executive director for the disbursement of funds available for vocational rehabilitation;
Shall, with the approval of the executive director and the state board, appoint boards as required by federal law and regulations;
Shall, with the approval of the executive director and the state board, take such other action as he or she deems necessary or appropriate to carry out the purposes of the Vocational Rehabilitation Law;
May, with the approval of the executive director and the state board, delegate to any officer or employee of the office such of his or her powers and duties, except the making of regulations and the making of recommendations for appointment of personnel, as he or she finds necessary to carry out the purposes of the Vocational Rehabilitation Law.