Mississippi Code
Regional Education Centers
§ 37-31-75. Expenditures

The various counties, municipalities, school districts and junior college districts which may become parties to any agreement authorized by Sections 37-31-71 through 37-31-79 are authorized to appropriate and expend any and all funds which may be required to carry out the terms of the agreement from any funds available to any party to the agreement not otherwise appropriated without limitation as to the source of the funds, including minimum foundation program funds, sixteenth section funds, funds received from the federal government or other sources by way of grant, donation or otherwise, and funds which may be available to any such party through the Department of Education or any other agency of the state, regardless of the party to the agreement designated by the agreement to be primarily responsible for the construction or operation of the regional education center and regardless of the limitation on the expenditure of any funds imposed by any other statute. However, no funds whose use was originally limited to the construction of capital improvements shall be utilized for the purpose of defraying the administrative or operating costs of any regional education center. Any one or more of the parties to an agreement may be designated as the fiscal agent or contracting party in carrying out any of the purposes of the agreement, and any and all funds authorized to be spent by any of the parties may be paid over to the fiscal agent or contracting party for disbursement by the fiscal agent or contracting party. Disbursements shall be made and contracted for under the laws and regulations applicable to the fiscal or disbursing agent, except to the extent they may be extended or modified by the provisions of Sections 37-31-71 through 37-31-79. All of the parties to the agreement may issue bonds, negotiable notes or other evidences of indebtedness for the purpose of providing funds for the acquisition of land and for the construction of buildings and permanent improvements under the terms of the agreement under any existing laws authorizing the issuance or sale of bonds, negotiable notes or other evidences of indebtedness to provide funds for any capital improvement.