Mississippi Code
Article 3 - Mississippi Affordable College Savings (MACS) Program
§ 37-155-107. Powers of the board of directors

In addition to those powers granted to the board by Sections 37-155-1 through 37-155-27 and any other provisions of this article, the board shall have the powers necessary or convenient to carry out the purposes and provisions of this article, the purposes and objectives of the trust fund, and the powers delegated by any other law or executive order of this state, including, but not limited to, the following express powers:
To adopt such rules and regulations as are necessary to implement this article, subject to applicable federal laws and regulations, including rules regarding transfers of funds between accounts established under prepaid tuition contracts and savings trust agreements;
To impose reasonable requirements for residency for beneficiaries or account owners at the time of purchase of the savings trust agreement;
To contract for necessary goods and services, to employ necessary personnel, and to engage the services of consultants and other qualified persons and entities for administrative and technical assistance in carrying out the responsibilities of the trust funds under terms and conditions that the board deems reasonable, including contract terms for periods up to ten (10) years at which time a contract may be terminated, extended or renewed for a term determined by the board, not to exceed a term of ten (10) years at any one time;
To solicit and accept gifts, including bequests or other testamentary gifts made by will, trust or other disposition grants, loans and other aids from any personal source or to participate in any other way in any federal, state or local governmental programs in carrying out the purposes of this article;
To define the terms and conditions under which payments may be withdrawn or refunded from the trust fund established under this article to impose reasonable charges for a withdrawal or refund;
To impose reasonable time limits on the use of savings trust account distributions provided by the MACS Program;
To regulate the receipt of contributions or payments to the MACS Trust Fund;
To segregate contributions and payments to the MACS Trust Fund into various accounts and funds;
To require and collect administrative fees and charges in connection with any transaction and to impose reasonable penalties for withdrawal of funds for nonqualified higher educational expenses or for entering into a savings trust agreement on a fraudulent basis;
To procure insurance against any loss in connection with the property, assets and activities of the MACS Trust Fund or the board;
To require that account owners of savings trust agreements or purchasers of Mississippi Prepaid Affordable College Tuition (MPACT) contracts under Sections 37-155-1 through 37-155-27 verify, under oath, any requests for contract conversions, substitutions, transfers, cancellations, refund requests or contract changes of any nature;
To solicit proposals and to contract for the marketing of the MACS Program, provided that: (i) any materials produced by a marketing contractor for the purpose of marketing the program must be approved by the board before being made available to the public; and (ii) neither the state nor the board shall be liable for misrepresentation of the program by a marketing contractor;
To delegate responsibility for administration of the comprehensive investment plan to a contractor or contractors or a consultant or consultants that the board determines is qualified;
To make all necessary and appropriate arrangements with colleges and universities or other entities in order to fulfill its obligations under savings trust agreements;
To establish other policies, procedures and criteria necessary to implement and administer this article; and
To authorize the Treasury Department or the State Treasurer, or both, to carry out any or all of the powers and duties enumerated in this section for efficient and effective administration of the MACS Program and MACS Trust Fund.