Mississippi Code
Education Technology Enhancement
§ 37-151-59. Effect of chapter on school district bonds

Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to prohibit a school district from issuing its bonds, negotiable notes or certificates of indebtedness for the purposes, in the manner, to the extent and subject to the limitations provided by Sections 37-59-1 through 37-59-45, Mississippi Code of 1972, or any other applicable sections, and the authority granted by this article shall be construed as being additional, supplemental and cumulative thereto. The proceeds of the sale of any such bonds, negotiable notes or certificates of indebtedness so issued by any such school district may be used for the purpose for which they were issued and may be expended in conjunction with funds provided by the Council for Education Technology under the provisions of this article, or may be expended without such funds, if same be not available.