Mississippi Code
Chapter 15 - Public Schools; Records, Enrollment and Transfer of Pupils
§ 37-15-2. Storage of permanent records

The permanent record provided for in Section 37-15-1 shall be kept, while it is active, in the attendance center office in a fire resistant container.
The permanent record shall be considered active: (a) if the student is enrolled in the school; or (b) if he has withdrawn or has been expelled and the students of the class of which he was a member shall not have reached the time of graduation.
At the point of the student's graduation or at the time when the student would normally have graduated had he not withdrawn or been expelled from school, the student's permanent record shall become a part of the permanent binder in the central fire resistant depository or stored digitally as designated and provided by the school board of the school district, or, as an alternative method, the records may be maintained in fire resistant storage at the school last attended by the student. The permanent binding and preservation of the inactive records shall be the duty of the superintendent of the school district who shall maintain a central depository of the records.

Structure Mississippi Code

Mississippi Code

Title 37 - Education

Chapter 15 - Public Schools; Records, Enrollment and Transfer of Pupils

§ 37-15-1. Maintenance of permanent records and cumulative folders for pupils; requirement of certified birth certificate or other evidence of age

§ 37-15-2. Storage of permanent records

§ 37-15-3. Storage of cumulative folders; access to records; disposition of records upon transfer of student between schools; destruction of records

§ 37-15-4. Maintenance of records relating to district-wide reports

§ 37-15-6. Central reporting system for information concerning expulsions from public schools; access to information

§ 37-15-7. Maintenance of continuing census

§ 37-15-8. Schedule for disposal of records

§ 37-15-10. Administration of provisions relating to records

§ 37-15-11. Requirement that parent, legal guardian, or legal custodian accompany child applying for enrollment

§ 37-15-13. Assignment of child enrolling in public schools to particular school or attendance center generally

§ 37-15-15. Factors to be considered in making assignments

§ 37-15-17. Review or reconsideration by school board of assignment of child

§ 37-15-21. Judicial review of assignment of child

§ 37-15-33. Testing of transfer students; assignment of students

§ 37-15-35. Segregation or integration of schools by reason of race, color, or national origin

§ 37-15-38. Dual enrollment programs for dual high school and postsecondary credit; Mississippi Works Dual Enrollment-Dual Credit Option Program

§ 37-15-39. Legislative purpose; definitions; school districts to offer pre-advanced placement courses; funding to be provided for sophomores to take nationally recognized aptitude test for advanced placement classes; minimum number of advanced place...