Mississippi Code
Chapter 129 - Nursing Schools and Scholarships
§ 37-129-1. Regulation of nursing schools and programs

In addition to all other powers and duties now vested by law in the Board of Trustees of State Institutions of Higher Learning of the State of Mississippi, said board is hereby empowered and required to:
Establish by rules and regulations and promulgate uniform standards for accreditation of schools of nursing in the State of Mississippi (i) insofar as concerns the eligibility of graduates of such schools to take the examination prescribed by law to become registered nurses authorized to practice the profession of nursing as registered nurses in Mississippi, and (ii) insofar as concerns student nurses attending such schools being eligible to participate in any student nurse scholarship program or other program of assistance now existing or hereafter established by legislative enactment;
Issue to such schools of nursing upon an annual basis certificates of accreditation as may be proper under such standards;
Administer any scholarship program or other program of assistance heretofore or hereafter established by legislative enactment for the benefit of students attending accredited schools of nursing in this state;
Administer any other funds available or which may be made available for the promotion of nursing education in the state, with the exception of nursing faculty supplement funds to the public junior colleges, which funds shall be appropriated to and administered by the Division of Junior Colleges of the State Department of Education;
Adopt rules and regulations to provide that a nurse in training may, during the two-year period in an approved hospital, be allowed to transfer at any time with full credit after six (6) months in training, to any other hospital of her choice at which there is a vacancy; suitable provision shall be made to protect her against coercion or intimidation concerning such a contemplated transfer.
In addition to other powers now vested by law in the Board of Trustees of State Institutions of Higher Learning, said board is hereby empowered to establish and maintain a nurse-midwifery education program that meets the accreditation standards of the American College of Nurse-Midwives at a state institution of higher learning under the jurisdiction of the board of trustees.
In order to implement paragraph (d) above, the Board of Trustees of State Institutions of Higher Learning is hereby authorized and directed to arrange and contract with hospitals, senior colleges and hospital schools of nursing for the financial support of programs of nursing education. The said board is further authorized to adopt such terms for contracts, and such rules and regulations for reimbursing contracting agencies for costs of instruction in schools of nursing as may be feasible in accordance with appropriations made by the Legislature for this purpose. However, no reimbursement may be made to contracting agencies in excess of the actual cost of instruction in the schools of nursing.
In addition to the powers now vested by law in the Board of Trustees of State Institutions of Higher Learning and subject to the availability of funds specifically appropriated therefor, said board is hereby empowered and directed to conduct a one-year feasibility study and comprehensive plan for nursing schools in Mississippi which addresses the concept of shared utilization of clinical simulation laboratories for all Mississippi schools of nursing in order to provide computerized interactive learning capabilities for all schools, utilizing the pooled resources or mobile capability models from other states. The completed plan shall be developed and a report made to the 2009 Regular Session on or before December 1, 2008.
No provision of this section shall be construed to authorize any department, agency, officer or employee of the State of Mississippi to exercise any controls over the admissions policy of any private educational institution offering a baccalaureate degree in nursing.