Mississippi Code
School of Nursing
§ 37-115-51. School of nursing created

The legislature hereby finds that there is great need of additional and better trained nurses in Mississippi and the purpose of this section is to meet that need to the extent herein provided.
The board of trustees of state institutions of higher learning is hereby authorized and directed to establish a school of nursing at the University of Mississippi under the jurisdiction of the dean of the school of medicine or such other authority as said board of trustees may determine, and other regularly constituted administrative authorities of the university.
Said board of trustees shall provide for such school, such buildings and equipment, and such teaching staff and other personnel as may be deemed appropriate for the establishment and operation of such school of nursing and for the performance of the other functions herein provided for, all of which shall, however, be done within the appropriations made for such purposes.
Such school of nursing shall, under the direction and supervision of the dean of the school of medicine and the other regularly constituted administrative authorities of the university and of said board of trustees and under curricula to be prescribed by said board, and beginning each of its functions at such time as may be determined by said board, carry on a teaching course, looking to the conferring of bachelor's or master's degrees in nursing.
Such school of nursing shall under the same direction, supervision, control and conditions as set forth in the fourth paragraph hereof, have authority, in its discretion, to arrange and contract with hospitals, hospital schools of nursing or other similar institutions, for students in the school of nursing to take clinical training and practice in such institutions. It shall have the further authority to contract with hospitals, hospital schools of nursing or other similar institutions with respect to providing to any such institution instructors or instruction services from the university school of nursing upon full or part time basis and upon such basis of compensation or reimbursement of costs as may be deemed reasonable and proper in view of the public interests involved.
Under the same supervision, direction, control and conditions as are set forth in the fourth paragraph hereof, said school of nursing shall also administer such scholarship programs in nursing education and such activities with respect to recruitment of nursing students and counseling work with such students and prospective students as may be provided for by the legislature from time to time.