Mississippi Code
In General
§ 37-113-37. Inventory of livestock owned by state institutions; livestock program

The heads of all state institutions owning any livestock shall make and file with the agricultural extension service of the Mississippi State University of Agriculture and Applied Science a complete and detailed inventory every three months of all livestock owned and used by such institutions. Such inventory shall be executed under oath, shall be on such forms as may be prescribed by the agricultural extension service, and shall fully describe and give the number and location of all such livestock and also such other information with reference thereto as the director of the agricultural extension service may require.
The agricultural extension service shall, for each of the institutions filing such inventories, inaugurate a livestock feeding, care and breeding program. It shall be the duty and responsibility of the executive head of each institution for which a program has been promulgated or inaugurated to see that such program is put into effect and fully complied with.
It shall be the duty of the said agricultural extension service to check each of the institutions coming hereunder at least once every six months to ascertain if the livestock program promulgated for it is being complied with and put into effect, to ascertain if all livestock is being properly inventoried, used and cared for, and to ascertain that such livestock is not being unduly dissipated or used for purposes not authorized by law.
If at any time it shall appear to the agricultural extension service that any institution coming hereunder is negligent in filing inventories hereunder or in carrying out the program promulgated for it, or is permitting its livestock to be unduly dissipated, or is using the same or any part thereof for purposes not authorized by law, the director of the agricultural extension service may, by order and until the convening of the next regular session of the legislature, prevent such institution from using any of its livestock for any purposes without first obtaining a permit from the director of said agricultural extension service, and the said director may limit the use of said livestock to such extent as he may deem necessary and proper for the best interest of the State of Mississippi.
If any official or employee of any state institution coming hereunder neglects, fails or refuses to comply with any of the terms or provisions of this section, the livestock program promulgated for such official or employee's institution hereunder, or any order of the director of the agricultural extension service issued hereunder, such official or employee shall be liable for a fine of not exceeding five hundred dollars ($500.00), and on conviction, shall be removed from his office or employment.
The agricultural extension service shall report to each session of the legislature any violations hereof, giving in detail all facts with reference thereto and also such other information relative to the livestock of the various institutions of the state as it may deem of interest to the legislature.

Structure Mississippi Code

Mississippi Code

Title 37 - Education

Chapter 113 - Mississippi State University of Agriculture and Applied Science

In General

§ 37-113-1. Name

§ 37-113-3. Organization of the university

§ 37-113-5. Appropriation for the support of the university

§ 37-113-6. University lands shall not be taxed

§ 37-113-7. Acquisition or sale of land

§ 37-113-9. Apportionment of students

§ 37-113-11. Making and announcement of apportionment of students

§ 37-113-13. Certificates of selection

§ 37-113-15. Dormitory privileges

§ 37-113-17. Agricultural and forestry experimental station

§ 37-113-19. Agricultural extension services

§ 37-113-20. Issuance of wireless communication device to faculty or extension service agent; statement of need and purpose of use

§ 37-113-21. Branch agricultural experimental stations

§ 37-113-22. Research and extension activities promoting seafood industry

§ 37-113-25. Retirement system for employees of the agricultural and forestry experimental station and extension service

§ 37-113-27. Funding of agricultural research program at Delta Branch Experiment Station

§ 37-113-28. Leasing of hunting rights on certain land of Delta Branch Experiment Station prohibited; public permitted to hunt on such land

§ 37-113-29. Camp for 4-H Club members in Panola County

§ 37-113-31. Camp for 4-H Club members in Madison County

§ 37-113-33. Foundation herds of beef cattle, sheep and hogs

§ 37-113-35. Survey of farm lands operated by state institutions; land use plan

§ 37-113-37. Inventory of livestock owned by state institutions; livestock program

§ 37-113-39. Regulation of transportation of passengers for hire on university's campus and grounds

§ 37-113-41. J. C. Hardy Memorial Fund

§ 37-113-43. Contributions by certain counties towards construction, erection and equipping of university facilities

§ 37-113-45. Issuance and sale of bonds; election; terms; tax levy

§ 37-113-47. Utilization of proceeds of contributions

§ 37-113-48. "Old Extension Service Building" designated "Lloyd-Ricks-Watson Building."

§ 37-113-49. Contribution does not give county right in educational facilities nor impose maintenance obligation