Mississippi Code
Chapter 11 - General Provisions Pertaining to Education
§ 37-11-27. Interest in contracts involving public schools

It shall be unlawful for any member of the board of trustees of any school district, any member of the county board of education, the county superintendent of education or any superintendent, principal, teacher, or employee of a county board of education or any school district to have or own any direct or indirect interest individually or as agent or employee of any person, partnership, firm, or corporation in any contract made or let by the county board of education, the county superintendent of education or the board of trustees of the school district for the construction, repair, or improvement of any school facility, the furnishing of any supplies, materials, or other articles, the doing of any public work or the transportation of children or upon any subcontract arising therefrom or connected therewith in any manner. The board of trustees of any school district shall be authorized to contract with a teacher or school district employee to perform extra work without being in violation of the provisions of this section. The board of trustees shall make a case by case determination of the possible conflicts of interest arising from any extra work contracts and such decision by the board shall be final. Any contract entered into in violation of the provisions of this section shall be void and of no effect. Any person who shall authorize or enter into any contract in violation of the provisions hereof, or who shall knowingly or wilfully pay out or receive any money upon any such contract shall be civilly liable for the amount so paid or received, and, in the case of an official who has furnished a bond, the surety upon such bond shall likewise be liable for such amount. In addition thereto, any person who shall violate the provisions of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction, shall be punished by a fine of not less than One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) nor more than Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00), or by imprisonment in the county jail not less than thirty (30) days nor more than ninety (90) days, or by both such fine and imprisonment, in the discretion of the court.

Structure Mississippi Code

Mississippi Code

Title 37 - Education

Chapter 11 - General Provisions Pertaining to Education

§ 37-11-3. Separation of students according to sex

§ 37-11-6. Purchase and installation in each school of weather radio

§ 37-11-9. Payment by school board of medical expenses for injuries sustained in athletic activities; purchase of hospitalization insurance

§ 37-11-13. Employment of education personnel suffering from tuberculosis

§ 37-11-18. Expulsion of student possessing controlled substance or weapon or committing violent act on school property

§ 37-11-19. Suspension or expulsion of student damaging school property; liability of parent or custodian

§ 37-11-20. Intimidation, threatening or coercion of students for purpose of interfering with attendance of classes

§ 37-11-21. Abuse of superintendent, principal, teacher, or bus driver

§ 37-11-23. Disturbing public school sessions or meetings

§ 37-11-25. Interest in proceeds or profits of sale or rental of property used in public schools

§ 37-11-27. Interest in contracts involving public schools

§ 37-11-29. Reporting of unlawful activity or violent act on educational property or during school related activity; authority of law enforcement officers; reporting of disposition of charges against student; liability of school personnel participati...

§ 37-11-31. Contents of report pursuant to § 37-11-29

§ 37-11-33. Fees for reports pursuant to § 37-11-29; disposition of reports

§ 37-11-37. Public high school fraternity, sorority or secret society; definition

§ 37-11-39. Public high school fraternity, sorority or secret society; illegality

§ 37-11-41. Public high school fraternity, sorority or secret society; membership or participation in activities

§ 37-11-43. Public high school fraternity, sorority or secret society; duties of boards of trustees

§ 37-11-45. Public high school fraternity, sorority or secret society; solicitation of pupils

§ 37-11-49. Wearing of approved eye protective devices required during participation in certain vocational, industrial arts, and chemical-physical laboratory courses of instruction

§ 37-11-54. State Board of Education to develop list of conflict resolution and peer mediation materials, models, and curricula from evidence-based practices and positive behavioral intervention supports

§ 37-11-55. Code of student conduct

§ 37-11-63. Local school boards, school superintendents and school principals not permitted to prohibit teachers from discussing and answering questions about the origin of life

§ 37-11-65. Students in grades 7-12 to be suspended from participation in extracurricular or athletic activity for failure to maintain certain cumulative grade point average

§ 37-11-66. Local school board adoption and implementation of written policy regarding school district's requirement for awarding a minimum grade

§ 37-11-71. Mississippi Asthma and Anaphylaxis Child Safety Act; legislative findings and declarations; self-administration of asthma and anaphylaxis medication; policy regarding administration of auto-injectable epinephrine by authorized school pers...

§ 37-11-75. Certain nonpublic schools to include in driver's education program instruction in how a person should properly respond when stopped by law enforcement officers