Mississippi Code
Chapter 104 - Mississippi Educational Facilities Authority Act for Private, Nonprofit Institutions of Higher Learning
§ 37-104-17. Issuance of revenue bonds

Having determined that the private institution of higher learning reasonably can be expected to produce sufficient revenue over a period of twenty-five (25) years to pay the revenue bonds issued for the financing or refinancing of the educational facility project, as well as the interest on the revenue bonds and a reasonable sum for maintenance, renewal and replacement as aforesaid, the Authority shall have the power and is hereby authorized, at one (1) time or from time to time, to provide by resolution for the issuance of negotiable revenue bonds to provide funds for the purpose of financing or refinancing all or any part of the cost of the educational facility project, but in no event shall the amount of the revenue bonds issued for the financing or refinancing of any educational facility project exceed the estimated cost of the educational facility project. The principal of and the interest on the revenue bonds shall be payable solely from a special fund to be provided for that purpose in the manner hereinafter set forth. The revenue bonds shall bear date or dates, be in such denomination or denominations, bear interest at such rate or rates, not to exceed that rate authorized in Section 75-17-103, Mississippi Code of 1972, be payable at such place or places within or without the State of Mississippi, shall mature absolutely at such time or times, be redeemable prior to maturity at such time or times and upon such terms, with or without premium, shall bear such registration privileges, and shall be substantially in such form, all as shall be determined by the bond loan agreement and the resolution of the Authority. However, the revenue bonds shall mature in annual installments beginning not more than three (3) years from date thereof and extending not more than twenty-five (25) years from date thereof. The revenue bonds shall be signed by the president of the Authority, or by his facsimile signature, attested by the secretary of the Authority, and the official seal of the Authority shall be affixed thereto. The interest coupons, if any, to be attached to the revenue bonds may be executed by the facsimile signature of the president of the Authority. Whenever any revenue bonds shall have been signed by the president of the Authority who was in office at the time of such signing but who may have ceased to be president of the Authority prior to the sale and delivery of the revenue bonds or who may have not been in office on the date the revenue bonds may bear, the signatures of such president of the Authority upon the revenue bonds and coupons shall nevertheless be valid and sufficient for all purposes and have the same effect as if the president of the Authority so officially signing the revenue bonds had remained in office until the delivery of the revenue bonds to the purchaser or had been in office on the date the revenue bonds may bear.