Mississippi Code
Issuance of Bonds for Construction and Improvement of Facilities
§ 37-101-101. Powers of board as to payment of bonds

The board of trustees of state institutions of higher learning in connection with the issuance of the bonds for the purposes enumerated in Section 37-101-91, or in order to secure the payment of such bonds and interest thereon, shall have power by resolutions:
To fix and maintain (1) fees, rentals, and other charges to be paid by students, faculty members and others using or being served by any dormitories, dwellings, apartments, athletic stadiums, gymnasiums, student union buildings, student service centers, athletic fields, swimming pools, or other projects or facilities, erected, repaired, remodeled, maintained, added to, extended, improved, or acquired under the authority of Section 37-101-91; (2) fees, rentals and other charges to be paid by students, faculty members, and others using or being served by any other dormitories, dwellings, apartments, athletic stadiums, gymnasiums, student union buildings, student service centers, athletic fields, swimming pools, or other projects or facilities at any institution which so issues bonds, which fees, rentals and other charges to be paid by students, faculty members, and others using or being served by such other dormitories, dwellings, apartments, athletic stadiums, gymnasiums, student union buildings, student service centers, athletic fields, swimming pools, or other projects or facilities, shall be the same as those applicable to the dormitories, dwellings, apartments, athletic stadiums, gymnasiums, student union buildings, student service centers, athletic fields, swimming pools, or other projects or facilities referred to in the preceding subdivision (1); however, in fixing such fees, rentals and other charges, there may be allowed reasonable differentials based on the condition, type, location and relative convenience of the dormitories, dwellings, apartments, athletic stadiums, gymnasiums, student union buildings, student service centers, athletic fields, swimming pools, or other projects or facilities in question, but such differentials shall be uniform as to all such students or faculty members and others similarly accommodated;
To provide that bonds so issued shall be secured by a first, exclusive and closed lien on, and shall be payable from, all or any part of the income and revenues derived from fees, rentals and other charges to be paid by students, faculty members or others using or being served by any dormitories, dwellings, apartments, athletic stadiums, gymnasiums, student union buildings, student service centers, athletic fields, swimming pools, or other projects or facilities operated at any such institution, and erected, repaired, remodeled, maintained, added to, extended, improved or acquired under Section 37-101-91, or any other law, or otherwise, and not theretofore so pledged;
To pledge and assign to, or in trust for the benefit of the holder or holders of any bond or bonds, coupon or coupons so issued, an amount of the income and revenues derived from such fees, rentals and other charges to be paid by students, faculty members, or others using or being served by any dormitories, dwellings, apartments, athletic stadiums, gymnasiums, student union buildings, student service centers, athletic fields, swimming pools, or other projects or facilities operated at any such institution, and erected, repaired, remodeled, maintained, added to, extended, improved or acquired under Section 37-101-91, or any other law, or otherwise, and not theretofore so pledged, which rentals, fees and charges imposed and pledged pursuant to the terms of this section shall be sufficient to pay when due the bonds so issued and interest thereon, to create and maintain a reasonable reserve therefor and to operate and maintain the project so constructed, and to create and at all times maintain an adequate reserve for contingencies and for major repairs and replacements;
To covenant with or for the benefit of the holder or holders of any bond or bonds, coupon or coupons so issued to erect, repair, remodel, maintain, add to, extend, improve or acquire any dormitories, dwellings, apartments, athletic stadiums, gymnasiums, student union buildings, student service centers, athletic fields, swimming pools, or other projects or facilities, that so long as any of said bonds or coupons shall remain outstanding and unpaid, such institution shall fix, maintain and collect, in such installments as may be agreed upon, an amount of fees, rentals or other charges from students, faculty members, and others using or being served by any dormitories, dwellings, apartments, athletic stadiums, gymnasiums, student union buildings, student service centers, athletic fields, swimming pools, or other projects or facilities operated at any such institution and erected, repaired, remodeled, maintained, added to, extended, improved or acquired under Section 37-101-91, or any other law, or otherwise, which shall be sufficient to pay when due any bond or bonds, coupons or coupons so issued, and to create and maintain a reasonable reserve therefor, and to pay the cost of operation and maintenance of such dormitories, dwellings, apartments, athletic stadiums, gymnasiums, student union buildings, student service centers, athletic fields, swimming pools, or other projects or facilities, including a sum sufficient to pay the cost of insuring such dormitories, dwellings, apartments, athletic stadiums, gymnasiums, student union buildings, student service centers, athletic fields, swimming pools, or other projects or facilities against loss or damage by fire and windstorm or other calamities, in such sum as may be acceptable to the purchaser or purchasers of such bonds. The rentals, fees and other charges shall at all times be sufficient to maintain an adequate bond sinking fund to provide for the payment of interest on and principal of the bonds as and when they accrue and mature, to create a reasonable reserve therein and to pay the cost of operation and maintenance and insurance as herein provided and to create and at all times maintain an adequate reserve for contingencies and for major repairs and replacements;
To make and enforce and agree to make and enforce parietal rules that shall insure the use of any such dormitory, dwelling, apartment, athletic stadium, gymnasium, student union building, student service center, athletic field, swimming pool, or other project or facility by all students in attendance at such institution, and faculty members thereof, to the maximum extent to which such dormitories, dwellings, apartments, athletic stadiums, gymnasiums, student union buildings, student service centers, athletic fields, swimming pools, or other projects or facilities are capable of serving same, so long as it does not interfere with any existing contract;
To covenant that as long as any of the bonds so issued shall remain outstanding and unpaid, it will not, except upon such terms and conditions as may be determined by the resolution issuing such bonds, (1) voluntarily create, or cause to be created, any debt, lien, pledge, assignment, encumbrance, or other charge having priority to or being on a parity with the lien of the bonds so issued upon any of the income and revenues derived from fees, rentals and other charges to be paid by students, faculty members and others using or being served by any dormitories, dwellings, apartments, athletic stadiums, gymnasiums, student union buildings, student service centers, athletic fields, swimming pools, or other projects or facilities operated at any such institution and erected, repaired, remodeled, maintained, added to, extended, improved or acquired under Section 37-101-91, or any other law, or otherwise, or (2) convey or otherwise alienate any such dormitories, dwellings, apartments, athletic stadiums, gymnasiums, student union buildings, student service centers, athletic fields, swimming pools, or other projects or facilities, or the real estate upon which the same shall be located, except at a price sufficient to pay all the bonds then outstanding payable from the revenues derived therefrom and interest accrued on such bonds, and then only in accordance with any agreements with the holder or holders of such bonds, or (3) mortgage or otherwise voluntarily create, or cause to be created, any encumbrance on any such dormitory, dwelling, apartment, athletic stadium, gymnasium, student union building, student service center, athletic field, swimming pool, or other project or facility, or the real estate upon which it shall be located;
To covenant as to the proceedings by which the terms of any contract with a holder or holders of such bonds may be amended or rescinded, the amount or percentage of bonds the holder or holders of which must consent thereto and the manner in which such consent may be given;
To vest in a trustee or trustees the right to receive all or any part of the income and revenue and proceeds of insurance pledged and assigned to, or for the benefit of, the holder or holders of such bonds, and to hold, apply and dispose of the same and the right to enforce any covenant made to secure or pay or in relation to such bonds;
To authorize the chairman and the secretary of said board to execute and deliver, in the name of the institution for which such bonds are being issued, a trust agreement or agreements which may set forth the powers and duties of such trustee or trustees, and limiting the liabilities thereof, and describing what occurrences shall constitute events of default and prescribing the terms and conditions upon which such trustee or trustees or the holder or holders of bonds of any specified amount or percentage of such bonds may exercise such right and enforce any and all such covenants and resort to any such remedies as may be appropriate; and
To vest in a trustee or trustees or the holder or holders of any specified amount or percentage of bonds the right to apply to any court of competent jurisdiction for and have granted the appointment of a receiver or receivers of the income and revenue pledged and assigned to or for the benefit of the holder or holders of such bonds, which receiver or receivers may have and be granted such powers and duties as are usually granted under the laws of the State of Mississippi to a receiver or receivers appointed in connection with the foreclosure of a mortgage made by a private corporation.