a. Does the offerer's proposal or qualification demonstrate a clear understanding of the scope of work and related objectives?
b. Is the offerer's proposal or qualification complete and responsive to the specific request for proposals or request for qualifications requirements?
c. Has the past performance of the offerer's proposed methodology been documented?
d. Does the offerer's proposal or qualification use innovative technology and techniques?
1. Project management:
a. How well does the proposed scheduling timeline meet the needs of the soliciting agency?
b. Is there a project management plan?
2. History and experience in performing the work:
a. Does the offerer document a record of reliability of timely delivery and on-time and on-budget implementation?
b. Does the offerer demonstrate a track record of service as evidenced by on-time, on-budget, and contract compliance performance?
c. Does the offerer document industry or program experience?
d. Does the offerer have a record of poor business ethics?
3. Availability of personnel, facilities, equipment and other resources:
a. To what extent does the offerer rely on in-house resources vs. contracted resources?
b. Are the availability of in-house and contract resources documented?
4. Qualification and experience of personnel:
a. Documentation of experience in performing similar work by employees and when appropriate, sub-contractors?
b. Does the offerer demonstrate cultural sensitivity in hiring and training staff?
1. Cost of goods to be provided or services to be performed:
a. Relative cost: How does the cost compare to other similarly scored proposals or qualifications?
b. Full explanation: Is the price and its component charges, fees, etc. adequately explained or documented?
2. Assurances of performance:
a. If required, are suitable bonds, warranties or guarantees provided?
b. Does the proposal or qualification include quality control and assurance programs?
3. Offerer's financial stability and strength: Does the offerer have sufficient financial resources to meet its obligations?
Structure Mississippi Code