On or before the fifteenth day of each month, the heads of all state agencies shall add to their inventory or inventories the items purchased or otherwise acquired during the last preceding month in the same manner as set forth in the original inventory, and indicate items that have been disposed of and that should be deleted therefrom, showing how and where disposals were made. Should there be no change in the inventory, a report shall be filed so indicating. This additional list and items to be deleted shall be submitted to the auditor of public accounts, to be used to add to or delete from the inventory or inventories in his office.
Structure Mississippi Code
Title 29 - Public Lands, Buildings and Property
Chapter 9 - Inventories of State Property
§ 29-9-1. Inventories to be made by heads of state agencies
§ 29-9-5. Execution and certification
§ 29-9-7. Master inventory compiled
§ 29-9-11. Report of additions and deletions