Minnesota Statutes
Chapter 97A — Game And Fish
Section 97A.441 — Licenses Issued Without Fee.

Subdivision 1. Angling and spearing; disabled residents. (a) A person authorized to issue licenses must issue, without a fee, licenses to take fish by angling or spearing to a resident who is:
(1) blind;
(2) a recipient of Supplemental Security Income for the aged, blind, and disabled;
(3) a recipient of Social Security aid to the disabled under United States Code, title 42, section 416, paragraph (i)(l), or section 423(d);
(4) a recipient of workers' compensation based on a finding of total and permanent disability;
(5) 65 years of age or older and was qualified under clause (2) or (3) at the age of 64;
(6) permanently disabled and meets the disability requirements for Supplemental Security Income or Social Security aid to the disabled under United States Code, title 42, section 416, paragraph (i)(l), or section 423(d);
(7) receiving aid under the federal Railroad Retirement Act of 1974, United States Code, title 45, section 231a(a)(1)(v); or
(8) a former employee of the United States Postal Service receiving disability pay under United States Code, title 5, section 8337.
(b) A driver's license or Minnesota identification card bearing the applicable designation under section 171.07, subdivision 17, serves as satisfactory evidence to obtain a license under this subdivision at all agent locations.
Subd. 2. Angling; foreign exchange students. A license to take fish by angling shall be issued without a fee to a citizen of a foreign country that is attending school in this state as an exchange student.
Subd. 3. Angling; residents of state institutions. The commissioner may issue a license, without a fee, to take fish by angling to a person that is a ward of the commissioner of human services and a resident of a state institution upon application by the commissioner of human services.
Subd. 4. Angling; developmentally disabled residents. A person authorized to issue licenses must issue, without a fee, a permanent license to take fish by angling to a resident at least 16 years old that is developmentally disabled upon being furnished satisfactory evidence of the disability.
Subd. 5. Angling; disabled veterans. (a) A person authorized to issue licenses must issue, without a fee, a permanent license to take fish by angling to a resident who is a veteran, as defined in section 197.447, and that has a 100 percent service connected disability as defined by the United States Veterans Administration upon being furnished satisfactory evidence.
(b) A driver's license or Minnesota identification card bearing the designation under section 171.07, subdivision 15, paragraph (a), clause (2), serves as satisfactory evidence to obtain a license under this subdivision at all agent locations.
Subd. 6. Taking deer; disabled veterans. (a) A person authorized to issue licenses must issue, without a fee, a license to take deer with firearms or by archery to a resident that is a veteran, as defined in section 197.447, and that has a 100 percent service connected disability as defined by the United States Veterans Administration upon being furnished satisfactory evidence.
(b) The commissioner, upon request, must issue a permanent card documenting satisfactory evidence of 100 percent permanently disabled status.
(c) The following serve as satisfactory evidence to obtain a license under this subdivision at all agent locations:
(1) a card issued under paragraph (b); or
(2) a driver's license or Minnesota identification card bearing the designation under section 171.07, subdivision 15, paragraph (a), clause (2).
Subd. 6a. Taking small game; disabled veterans. (a) A person authorized to issue licenses must issue, without a fee, a license to take small game to a resident who is a veteran, as defined in section 197.447, and who has a 100 percent service connected disability as defined by the United States Veterans Administration upon being furnished satisfactory evidence.
(b) The commissioner, upon request, must issue a permanent card documenting satisfactory evidence of 100 percent permanently disabled status.
(c) The following serve as satisfactory evidence to obtain a license under this subdivision at all agent locations:
(1) a card issued under paragraph (b); or
(2) a driver's license or Minnesota identification card bearing the designation under section 171.07, subdivision 15, paragraph (a), clause (2).
Subd. 7. Owners or tenants of agricultural land. (a) The commissioner may issue, without a fee, a license to take an antlerless deer to a resident who is an owner or tenant, or a nonresident who is an owner, of at least 80 acres of agricultural land, as defined in section 97B.001, in deer permit areas that allow the taking of antlerless deer without a lottery application. A person may receive only one license per year under this subdivision. For properties with co-owners or cotenants, only one co-owner or cotenant may receive a license under this subdivision per year. The license issued under this subdivision is restricted to land leased for agricultural purposes or owned by the holder of the license within the permit area where the qualifying land is located. The holder of the license may transfer the license to the holder's spouse or dependent. Deer taken under this subdivision do not count towards the total bag limit for the permit area. Notwithstanding sections 97A.415, subdivision 1, and 97B.301, subdivision 2, the holder of the license may purchase additional licenses or permits for taking deer and may take additional deer under those licenses or permits, provided the holder adheres to the bag limits established for that permit area.
(b) A person who obtains a license under paragraph (a) must allow public deer hunting on their land during that deer-hunting season, with the exception of the first Saturday and Sunday during the deer-hunting season applicable to the license issued under section 97A.475, subdivision 2, clause (5).
Subd. 8. Duplicate licenses. There is no fee for a duplicate license if the original license was issued without a fee.
Subd. 9. Angling assistance to disabled residents. An individual who is providing angling assistance to a disabled resident licensed under subdivision 1, 4, or 5, is not required to possess a license to take fish by angling provided that no lines in addition to those permitted for an individual under section 97C.315 are in the water.
Subd. 10. Taking wild animals to prevent and control wildlife disease. The commissioner may issue, without a fee, licenses to take wild animals for the purposes of wildlife disease prevention and control.
1986 c 386 art 1 s 61; 1987 c 384 art 1 s 7; 1993 c 172 s 55; 1993 c 231 s 26; 1994 c 623 art 1 s 23; 1994 c 632 art 2 s 24; 1997 c 95 s 1; 2000 c 473 s 3; 2001 c 185 s 28; 2003 c 128 art 1 s 56,57; 2005 c 56 s 1; 2005 c 146 s 14; 2007 c 131 art 1 s 26; 2008 c 368 art 2 s 24; 2009 c 176 art 2 s 20; 2012 c 277 art 1 s 35; 2013 c 121 s 30,31; 2014 c 290 s 23-26; 2017 c 93 art 2 s 79

Structure Minnesota Statutes

Minnesota Statutes

Chapters 97 - 102 — Game And Fish

Chapter 97A — Game And Fish

Section 97A.011 — Citation.

Section 97A.015 — Definitions.

Section 97A.021 — Construction.

Section 97A.025 — Ownership Of Wild Animals.

Section 97A.028 — Crop Protection Assistance.

Section 97A.031 — Wanton Waste.

Section 97A.035 — Removing Signs Prohibited.

Section 97A.037 — Hunter, Trapper, And Angler Harassment Prohibited.

Section 97A.041 — Exhibition Of Wildlife.

Section 97A.043 — Fish Consumption Advisories.

Section 97A.045 — Commissioner; General Powers And Duties.

Section 97A.0451 — Authority For Using Emergency Rules Procedure; Expiration Of Authority.

Section 97A.0452 — Notice Of Proposed Adoption Of Emergency Rule.

Section 97A.0453 — Notice To Committees For Fees Fixed By Rule.

Section 97A.0454 — Modifying Proposed Emergency Rule.

Section 97A.0455 — Submitting Proposed Emergency Rule To Attorney General.

Section 97A.0456 — Effective Date Of Emergency Rule.

Section 97A.0457 — Publishing Approval.

Section 97A.0458 — Effective Period Of Emergency Rule.

Section 97A.0459 — Approving Form Of Emergency Rule.

Section 97A.051 — Publishing Rules And Laws.

Section 97A.052 — Peace Officer Training Account.

Section 97A.055 — Game And Fish Fund.

Section 97A.056 — Outdoor Heritage Fund; Lessard-sams Outdoor Heritage Council.

Section 97A.057 — Federal Law Compliance; Restriction On License Revenue.

Section 97A.065 — Dedication Of Certain Receipts.

Section 97A.071 — Wildlife Acquisition Account.

Section 97A.075 — Use Of License Revenues.

Section 97A.085 — Game Refuges.

Section 97A.091 — Hunting On Game Refuges.

Section 97A.092 — Controlled Hunting Zones.

Section 97A.093 — Hunting, Trapping, And Fishing In Scientific And Natural Areas.

Section 97A.095 — Waterfowl Protected Areas.

Section 97A.098 — Trespass On Federal Lands.

Section 97A.101 — Public Water Reserves And Management Designation.

Section 97A.105 — Game And Fur Farms.

Section 97A.115 — Shooting Preserves.

Section 97A.121 — Hunting In Private Shooting Preserves.

Section 97A.125 — Wildlife Habitat On Private Land.

Section 97A.126 — Walk-in Access Program.

Section 97A.127 — Financing Waterfowl Development.

Section 97A.131 — Hatcheries.

Section 97A.133 — State Wildlife Management Areas.

Section 97A.134 — Adopt-a-wma Program.

Section 97A.135 — Acquiring Wildlife Lands.

Section 97A.137 — Hunting, Fishing, And Trespassing In Wildlife Management Areas.

Section 97A.141 — Public-water Access Sites.

Section 97A.145 — Wetlands For Wildlife.

Section 97A.151 — Leech Lake Indian Reservation Agreement.

Section 97A.155 — Amendments To Leech Lake Indian Reservation Agreement.

Section 97A.157 — 1854 Treaty Area Agreement.

Section 97A.161 — Agreement With White Earth Indians.

Section 97A.165 — Source Of Payments For Indian Agreement.

Section 97A.201 — Enforcement.

Section 97A.205 — Enforcement Officer; Powers.

Section 97A.211 — Arrest Procedures.

Section 97A.215 — Inspections.

Section 97A.221 — Seizure And Confiscation Of Property.

Section 97A.223 — Seizure And Administrative Forfeiture Of Certain Firearms And Abandoned Property.

Section 97A.225 — Seizure And Confiscation Of Motor Vehicles And Boats.

Section 97A.231 — Search Warrants.

Section 97A.235 — Jurisdiction Over Boundary Waters.

Section 97A.241 — Reciprocity With Other States In Appointing Officers.

Section 97A.245 — Rewards.

Section 97A.251 — Obstructing Officers.

Section 97A.255 — Prosecutions.

Section 97A.301 — General Penalty Provisions.

Section 97A.305 — Impersonating Enforcement Officer.

Section 97A.311 — Licenses.

Section 97A.315 — Trespass.

Section 97A.321 — Dogs Pursuing, Wounding, Or Killing Big Game.

Section 97A.325 — Penalties For Unlawfully Buying Or Selling Wild Animals.

Section 97A.331 — Penalties Related To Hunting.

Section 97A.335 — Penalties Related To Fishing.

Section 97A.338 — Gross Overlimits Of Wild Animals; Penalty.

Section 97A.341 — Restitution For Wild Animals Illegally Taken.

Section 97A.345 — Restitution Value Of Wild Animals.

Section 97A.401 — Special Permits.

Section 97A.405 — License Requirements.

Section 97A.408 — Anatomical Gift Option; Education.

Section 97A.411 — Validity Of Licenses.

Section 97A.415 — License Restrictions.

Section 97A.418 — Permit Rules.

Section 97A.420 — Seizure Of Licenses.

Section 97A.421 — Validity And Issuance Of Licenses After Conviction.

Section 97A.425 — Record And Reporting Requirements For Dealers, Tanners, And Taxidermists.

Section 97A.431 — Moose Licenses.

Section 97A.433 — Elk Licenses.

Section 97A.434 — Prairie-chicken Licenses.

Section 97A.435 — Turkey Licenses; Application And Eligibility.

Section 97A.438 — Releasing Wild Turkeys; Permit Required.

Section 97A.441 — Licenses Issued Without Fee.

Section 97A.445 — Exemptions From License Requirement.

Section 97A.451 — License Requirements And Exemptions Relating To Age.

Section 97A.455 — Nonresident Students; Fishing, Small Game, And Big Game.

Section 97A.461 — Nonresident Licenses For Boundary Water Hunting Or Fishing.

Section 97A.465 — Military Personnel; Fishing And Hunting.

Section 97A.471 — Nonresident Courtesy Licenses.

Section 97A.472 — Place Of Sale Of Nonresident Licenses; Restriction.

Section 97A.473 — Resident Lifetime Licenses.

Section 97A.474 — Nonresident Lifetime Licenses.

Section 97A.4742 — Lifetime Fish And Wildlife Trust Fund.

Section 97A.475 — License Fees.

Section 97A.481 — License Applications; Penalty.

Section 97A.482 — License Applications; Collecting Social Security Numbers.

Section 97A.485 — Issuance Of Licenses.

Section 97A.501 — Wild Animals; General Restrictions.

Section 97A.502 — Deer Killed By Motor Vehicles.

Section 97A.505 — Possessing Wild Animals.

Section 97A.510 — Game For Consumption At Fundraising Events.

Section 97A.511 — Fur-bearing Animals.

Section 97A.512 — Sale Of Inedible Portions Of Big Game Animals, Fur-bearing Animals, Fish, And Game Birds Other Than Migratory Waterfowl.

Section 97A.515 — Pelts, Skins, And Hides Taken On Indian Reservations.

Section 97A.521 — Transporting Wild Animals; Generally.

Section 97A.525 — Transporting Wild Animals By Common Carrier.

Section 97A.531 — Shipping Wild Animals Taken In Canada.

Section 97A.535 — Possessing And Transporting Deer, Bear, Elk, And Moose.

Section 97A.545 — Transporting Game Birds.

Section 97A.551 — Possessing And Transporting Fish.

Section 97A.56 — Feral Swine.