Minnesota Statutes
Chapter 93 — Mineral Lands
Section 93.335 — Lands Held In Trust; Mineral Rights Only; Mineral Rights Acquired Under Tax Laws.

Subdivision 1. Lands held in trust for taxing districts; lease terms and conditions. Mining leases issued as provided by sections 93.14 to 93.33, except as otherwise specifically provided under this section, shall be subject to all the terms, conditions, and provisions of sections 93.14 to 93.33, regardless of whether or not the lands or minerals and mineral rights are held in trust for taxing districts.
Subd. 2. Undivided interests; amending leases. (a) If the interest in lands or minerals and mineral rights acquired by the state under the tax laws is an undivided part of the whole interest therein, the quarterly and annual rentals and minimum royalty to be bid and paid to the state upon the leasing thereof shall be such proportion of the amounts stipulated in the laws under which such leases are executed as the undivided part owned by the state bears to the whole interest in such lands, or minerals and mineral rights. The specification in any such lease issued in the form provided by such sections that the interest covered thereby is a fractional undivided interest shall be a sufficient statement that the quarterly rentals, annual rentals, and minimum royalties to be paid thereunder shall be such proportion of the amount stated in the lease as the undivided interest covered thereby bears to the whole interest in such lands or minerals and mineral rights.
(b) If it shall be determined by final judgment or decree that the interest owned by the state in any tract of land covered by any iron ore or taconite iron ore mining lease issued pursuant to this section is less than that described in said lease, such lease, upon application by the lessee to the commissioner of natural resources, shall be amended in such form as the attorney general shall approve to delete the interest not owned by the state as determined by said judgment or decree. The lessee shall be entitled to a credit against royalties which shall thereafter become due pursuant to said lease for all moneys previously paid to the state for such deleted interest.
Subd. 3. Lease to be for mineral rights only in certain cases. If, because of having sold the surface of such lands, reserving the minerals and mineral rights, or from any other cause, the state owns only the minerals and mineral rights in any lands leased hereunder, the commissioner of natural resources shall confine such lease to such minerals and mineral rights. The amount of the quarterly rentals, annual rentals, and minimum royalties to be bid and paid to the state upon such leases shall not be reduced by reason of that fact, and the lessee shall acquire all such rights to use the surface of such lands as were reserved or are owned by the state under its reservation of minerals and mineral rights. Any specification of rights to the surface in such lease shall be construed as limited by this subdivision.
Subd. 4. [Repealed, 2000 c 495 s 53]
Subd. 5. [Repealed, 2000 c 495 s 53]
1943 c 287; 1949 c 587 s 1; 1951 c 451 s 1; 1959 c 158 s 11; 1963 c 685 s 1; 1967 c 152 s 1; 1969 c 399 s 1; 1969 c 1129 art 10 s 2; 1973 c 123 art 5 s 7; 1973 c 492 s 14; 1987 c 404 s 116; 1989 c 335 art 4 s 30; 1990 c 391 art 8 s 19; 2000 c 495 s 27

Structure Minnesota Statutes

Minnesota Statutes

Chapters 92 - 94 — Lands And Minerals

Chapter 93 — Mineral Lands

Section 93.001 — Policy For Mineral Development.

Section 93.0015 — Mineral Coordinating Committee.

Section 93.003 — Iron Mining; Conditions.

Section 93.01 — Reservation Of Minerals And Water Powers.

Section 93.02 — Instruments Transferring Interest; Reservation.

Section 93.03 — Patent Under Land Grant To Railroad; Reservation.

Section 93.04 — Disposition Of Minerals Reserved.

Section 93.05 — Holder Of Lease.

Section 93.055 — Action To Quiet Title To Lands Covered By Mineral Lease.

Section 93.06 — Reservation Of Minerals Under Navigable Lakes.

Section 93.14 — Leases To Prospect For Ores.

Section 93.15 — Mining Units; Designation.

Section 93.16 — Leases; Sale And Notice.

Section 93.17 — Application For Leases; Bids; Awards.

Section 93.171 — Eligibility And Performance.

Section 93.1925 — Negotiated Leases.

Section 93.193 — Taconite Iron Ore Mining Lease; Extension.

Section 93.20 — Form Of Lease; Required Content; Modification.

Section 93.201 — Royalties For Taconite Concentrates.

Section 93.21 — Execution Of Lease.

Section 93.22 — Disposition Of Payments.

Section 93.222 — Taconite Iron Ore Special Advance Royalty Account.

Section 93.2235 — Taconite Mining Grants; Appropriations.

Section 93.2236 — Minerals Management Account.

Section 93.245 — Mining Minerals Other Than Iron Ore.

Section 93.25 — Ores Other Than Iron; Leases.

Section 93.26 — Leases To Be Filed.

Section 93.27 — Assignments, Agreements, Or Contracts Affecting Leases; Filing.

Section 93.28 — Approval Of Instruments.

Section 93.285 — Stockpiled Iron Ore.

Section 93.33 — Leasing Surface Of Land.

Section 93.335 — Lands Held In Trust; Mineral Rights Only; Mineral Rights Acquired Under Tax Laws.

Section 93.34 — Draining Public Waters.

Section 93.41 — State-owned Iron-bearing Materials.

Section 93.43 — Leases To Nonferrous Metallic Minerals Producers.

Section 93.44 — Declaration Of Policy.

Section 93.45 — Iron Range Trail.

Section 93.46 — Definitions.

Section 93.461 — Peat Included In Mine Land Reclamation.

Section 93.47 — Duties And Authority Of Commissioner.

Section 93.48 — Variance.

Section 93.481 — Permit To Mine.

Section 93.482 — Reclamation Fees.

Section 93.483 — Contested Case.

Section 93.49 — Financial Assurance Of Operator.

Section 93.50 — Appeal.

Section 93.51 — Penalties For Violation.

Section 93.515 — Oil And Gas Wells; Rules Relating To Spacing, Pooling, And Unitization.

Section 93.52 — Ownership Of Severed Mineral Interests.

Section 93.55 — Forfeiture Of Severed Mineral Interest.

Section 93.551 — Validation Of Certain Statements; Correction Of Certain Errors.

Section 93.61 — Drill Core Library Access.