Minnesota Statutes
Chapter 524 — Uniform Probate Code
Section 524.1-201 — General Definitions.

Subject to additional definitions contained in the subsequent articles which are applicable to specific articles or parts, and unless the context otherwise requires, in chapters 524 and 525:
(1) "Adoptee" means an individual who is adopted.
(2) "Application" means a written request to the registrar for an order of informal probate or appointment under article III, part 3.
(3) "Assisted reproduction" means a method of causing pregnancy other than sexual intercourse.
(4) "Beneficiary," as it relates to trust beneficiaries, includes a person who has any present or future interest, vested or contingent, and also includes the owner of an interest by assignment or other transfer and as it relates to a charitable trust, includes any person entitled to enforce the trust.
(5) "Birth mother" means a woman who gives birth to a child, including a woman who is the child's genetic mother and including a woman who gives birth to a child of assisted reproduction. "Birth mother" does not include a woman who gives birth pursuant to a gestational agreement.
(6) "Child" includes any individual entitled to take as a child under law by intestate succession from the parent whose relationship is involved and excludes any person who is only a stepchild, a foster child, a grandchild or any more remote descendant.
(7) "Child of assisted reproduction" means a child conceived by means of assisted reproduction by a woman other than a child conceived pursuant to a gestational agreement.
(8) "Claims" includes liabilities of the decedent whether arising in contract or otherwise and liabilities of the estate which arise after the death of the decedent including funeral expenses and expenses of administration. The term does not include taxes, demands or disputes regarding title of a decedent to specific assets alleged to be included in the estate, tort claims, foreclosure of mechanic's liens, or to actions pursuant to section 573.02.
(9) "Court" means the court or branch having jurisdiction in matters relating to the affairs of decedents. This court in this state is known as the district court.
(10) "Conservator" means a person who is appointed by a court to manage the estate of a protected person.
(11) "Descendant" of an individual means all of the individual's descendants of all generations, with the relationship of parent and child at each generation being determined by the definition of child and parent contained in this section.
(12) "Devise," when used as a noun, means a testamentary disposition of real or personal property and when used as a verb, means to dispose of real or personal property by will.
(13) "Devisee" means any person designated in a will to receive a devise. In the case of a devise to an existing trust or trustee, or to a trustee on trust described by will, the trust or trustee is the devisee and the beneficiaries are not devisees.
(14) "Disability" means cause for appointment of a conservator as described in section 524.5-401, or a protective order as described in section 524.5-412.
(15) "Distributee" means any person who has received or who will receive property of a decedent from the decedent's personal representative other than as a creditor or purchaser. A testamentary trustee is a distributee with respect to property which the trustee has received from a personal representative only to the extent of distributed assets or their increment remaining in the trustee's hands. A beneficiary of a testamentary trust to whom the trustee has distributed property received from a personal representative is a distributee of the personal representative. For purposes of this provision, "testamentary trustee" includes a trustee to whom assets are transferred by will, to the extent of the devised assets.
(16) "Divorce" includes an annulment, dissolution, and declaration of invalidity of marriage.
(17) "Estate" includes all of the property of the decedent, trust, or other person whose affairs are subject to this chapter as originally constituted and as it exists from time to time during administration.
(18) "Fiduciary" includes personal representative, guardian, conservator and trustee.
(19) "Foreign personal representative" means a personal representative of another jurisdiction.
(20) "Formal proceedings" means those conducted before a judge with notice to interested persons.
(21) "Functioned as a parent of the child" means behaving toward a child in a manner consistent with being the child's parent and performing functions that are customarily performed by a parent, including fulfilling parental responsibilities toward the child, recognizing or holding out the child as the individual's child, materially participating in the child's upbringing, and residing with the child in the same household as a regular member of that household.
(22) "Genetic father" means the man whose sperm fertilized the egg of a child's genetic mother. If the father-child relationship is established under the presumption of paternity under chapter 257, "genetic father" means only the man for whom that relationship is established.
(23) "Genetic mother" means the woman whose egg was fertilized by the sperm of a child's genetic father.
(24) "Genetic parent" means a child's genetic father or genetic mother.
(25) "Gestational agreement" means an agreement for assisted reproduction in which a woman agrees to carry a child to birth for an intended parent or intended parents.
(26) "Governing instrument" means a deed; will; trust; insurance or annuity policy; account with POD designation; security registered in beneficiary form (TOD); transfer on death (TOD) deed; pension, profit-sharing, retirement, or similar benefit plan; instrument creating or exercising a power of appointment or a power of attorney; or a dispositive, appointive, or nominative instrument of any similar type.
(27) "Guardian" means a person who has qualified as a guardian of a minor or incapacitated person pursuant to testamentary or court appointment, but excludes one who is merely a guardian ad litem.
(28) "Heirs" means those persons, including the surviving spouse, who are entitled under the statutes of intestate succession to the property of a decedent.
(29) "Incapacitated person" is as described in section 524.5-102, subdivision 6, other than a minor.
(30) "Incapacity" when used in sections 524.2-114 to 524.2-120 means the inability of an individual to function as a parent of a child because of the individual's physical or mental condition.
(31) "Informal proceedings" means those conducted by the judge, the registrar, or the person or persons designated by the judge for probate of a will or appointment of a personal representative in accordance with sections 524.3-301 to 524.3-311.
(32) "Intended parent" means an individual who entered into a gestational agreement providing that the individual will be the parent of a child born to a woman by means of assisted reproduction, including an individual who has a genetic relationship with the child.
(33) "Interested person" includes heirs, devisees, children, spouses, creditors, beneficiaries and any others having a property right in or claim against the estate of a decedent, ward or protected person which may be affected by the proceeding. It also includes persons having priority for appointment as personal representative, and other fiduciaries representing interested persons. The meaning as it relates to particular persons may vary from time to time and must be determined according to the particular purposes of, and matter involved in, any proceeding.
(34) "Lease" includes an oil, gas, or other mineral lease.
(35) "Letters" includes letters testamentary, letters of guardianship, letters of administration, and letters of conservatorship.
(36) "Mortgage" means any conveyance, agreement or arrangement in which property is used as security.
(37) "Nonresident decedent" means a decedent who was domiciled in another jurisdiction at the time of death.
(38) "Organization" includes a corporation, government or governmental subdivision or agency, business trust, estate, trust, partnership or association, two or more persons having a joint or common interest, or any other legal entity.
(39) "Person" means an individual, a corporation, an organization, or other legal entity.
(40) "Personal representative" includes executor, administrator, successor personal representative, special administrator, and persons who perform substantially the same function under the law governing their status. "General personal representative" excludes special administrator.
(41) "Petition" means a written request to the court for an order after notice.
(42) "Proceeding" includes action at law and suit in equity.
(43) "Property" includes both real and personal property or any interest therein and means anything that may be the subject of ownership.
(44) "Protected person" is as described in section 524.5-102, subdivision 14.
(45) "Registrar" refers to the judge of the court or the person designated by the court to perform the functions of registrar as provided in section 524.1-307.
(46) "Relative" means a grandparent or a descendant of a grandparent.
(47) "Security" includes any note, stock, treasury stock, bond, debenture, evidence of indebtedness, certificate of interest or participation in an oil, gas or mining title or lease or in payments out of production under such a title or lease, collateral trust certificate, transferable share, voting trust certificate or, in general, any interest or instrument commonly known as a security, or any certificate of interest or participation, any temporary or interim certificate, receipt or certificate of deposit for, or any warrant or right to subscribe to or purchase, any of the foregoing.
(48) "Settlement," in reference to a decedent's estate, includes the full process of administration, distribution and closing.
(49) "Special administrator" means a personal representative as described by sections 524.3-614 to 524.3-618.
(50) "State" includes any state of the United States, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, and any territory or possession subject to the legislative authority of the United States.
(51) "Successor personal representative" means a personal representative, other than a special administrator, who is appointed to succeed a previously appointed personal representative.
(52) "Successors" means those persons, other than creditors, who are entitled to property of a decedent under the decedent's will, this chapter or chapter 525. "Successors" also means a funeral director or county government that provides the funeral and burial of the decedent, or a state or county agency with a claim authorized under section 256B.15.
(53) "Supervised administration" refers to the proceedings described in sections 524.3-501 to 524.3-505.
(54) "Testacy proceeding" means a proceeding to establish a will or determine intestacy.
(55) "Third-party donor" means an individual who produces eggs or sperm used for assisted reproduction, whether or not for consideration. The term does not include:
(i) a husband who provides sperm, or a wife who provides eggs, that are used for assisted reproduction by the wife;
(ii) the birth mother of a child of assisted reproduction; or
(iii) a man who has been determined under section 524.2-120, subdivision 4 or 5, to have a parent-child relationship with a child of assisted reproduction.
(56) "Trust" includes any express trust, private or charitable, with additions thereto, wherever and however created. It also includes a trust created or determined by judgment or decree under which the trust is to be administered in the manner of an express trust. "Trust" excludes other constructive trusts, and it excludes resulting trusts, conservatorships, personal representatives, trust accounts as defined in chapter 528, custodial arrangements pursuant to sections 149A.97, 318.01 to 318.06, 527.21 to 527.44, business trusts providing for certificates to be issued to beneficiaries, common trust funds, voting trusts, security arrangements, liquidation trusts, and trusts for the primary purpose of paying debts, dividends, interest, salaries, wages, profits, pensions, or employee benefits of any kind, and any arrangement under which a person is nominee or escrowee for another.
(57) "Trustee" includes an original, additional, or successor trustee, whether or not appointed or confirmed by court.
(58) "Ward" is as described in section 524.5-102, subdivision 17.
(59) "Will" includes codicil and any testamentary instrument which merely appoints an executor or revokes or revises another will.
1974 c 442 art 1 s 524.1-201; 1975 c 347 s 15; 1978 c 525 s 1; 1986 c 444; 1987 c 384 art 2 s 1; 1992 c 423 s 2; 1994 c 472 s 1; 1995 c 130 s 11; 1995 c 186 s 119; 1995 c 189 s 8; 1996 c 277 s 1; 1997 c 215 s 45; 1997 c 217 art 2 s 15; 2004 c 146 art 3 s 40; 2010 c 334 s 5; 2016 c 135 art 2 s 21

Structure Minnesota Statutes

Minnesota Statutes

Chapters 524 - 532 — Probate; Property; Estates; Guardianships; Anatomical Gifts

Chapter 524 — Uniform Probate Code

Section 524.1-101 — Citation And Numbering System.

Section 524.1-102 — Purposes; Rule Of Construction.

Section 524.1-103 — Supplementary General Principles Of Law Applicable.

Section 524.1-104 — Severability.

Section 524.1-106 — Effect Of Fraud And Evasion.

Section 524.1-107 — Evidence As To Death Or Status.

Section 524.1-108 — Acts By Holder Of General Power.

Section 524.1-201 — General Definitions.

Section 524.1-301 — Territorial Application.

Section 524.1-302 — Subject Matter Jurisdiction.

Section 524.1-303 — Venue; Multiple Proceedings; Transfer.

Section 524.1-304 — Practice In Court.

Section 524.1-306 — Jury Trial.

Section 524.1-307 — Registrar; Powers.

Section 524.1-310 — Verification Of Filed Documents.

Section 524.1-401 — Notice; Method And Time Of Giving.

Section 524.1-402 — Notice; Waiver.

Section 524.1-403 — Pleadings; When Parties Bound By Others; Notice.

Section 524.1-404 — Notice To Charitable Beneficiaries.

Section 524.2-101 — Intestate Estate.

Section 524.2-102 — Share Of The Spouse.

Section 524.2-103 — Share Of Heirs Other Than Surviving Spouse.

Section 524.2-104 — Requirement That Heir Survive Decedent For 120 Hours.

Section 524.2-105 — No Taker.

Section 524.2-106 — Representation.

Section 524.2-107 — Degree Of Kindred And Kindred Of Half Blood.

Section 524.2-108 — After-born Heirs.

Section 524.2-109 — Advancements.

Section 524.2-110 — Debts To Decedent.

Section 524.2-111 — Alienage.

Section 524.2-113 — Individuals Related To Decedent Through Two Lines.

Section 524.2-114 — Parent Barred From Inheriting In Certain Circumstances.

Section 524.2-116 — Effect Of Parent-child Relationship.

Section 524.2-117 — Parent-child Relationship With Genetic Parents.

Section 524.2-118 — Adoptee And Adoptee's Adoptive Parent Or Parents.

Section 524.2-119 — Adoptee And Adoptee's Genetic Parents.

Section 524.2-120 — Child Conceived By Assisted Reproduction.

Section 524.2-121 — No Effect On Gestational Agreements.

Section 524.2-122 — No Effect On Equitable Adoption.

Section 524.2-123 — Instruments Referencing Intestacy Laws.

Section 524.2-201 — Definitions.

Section 524.2-202 — Elective Share.

Section 524.2-203 — Composition Of The Augmented Estate.

Section 524.2-204 — Decedent's Net Probate Estate.

Section 524.2-205 — Decedent's Nonprobate Transfers To Others.

Section 524.2-206 — Decedent's Nonprobate Transfers To Surviving Spouse.

Section 524.2-207 — Surviving Spouse's Property And Nonprobate Transfers To Others.

Section 524.2-208 — Exclusions, Valuation, And Overlapping Application.

Section 524.2-209 — Sources From Which Elective Share Payable.

Section 524.2-210 — Personal Liability Of Recipients.

Section 524.2-211 — Proceeding For Elective Share; Time Limit.

Section 524.2-212 — Right Of Election Personal To Surviving Spouse.

Section 524.2-213 — Waiver Of Right To Elect And Of Other Rights.

Section 524.2-214 — Protection Of Payors And Other Third Parties.

Section 524.2-215 — Surviving Spouse Receiving Medical Assistance.

Section 524.2-301 — Entitlement Of Spouse; Premarital Will.

Section 524.2-302 — Omitted Children.

Section 524.2-401 — Applicable Law.

Section 524.2-402 — Descent Of Homestead.

Section 524.2-403 — Exempt Property.

Section 524.2-404 — Family Allowance.

Section 524.2-405 — Source, Determination, And Documentation.

Section 524.2-501 — Who May Make A Will.

Section 524.2-502 — Execution; Witnessed Wills.

Section 524.2-503 — Harmless Error.

Section 524.2-504 — Self-proved Will.

Section 524.2-505 — Who May Witness.

Section 524.2-506 — Choice Of Law As To Execution.

Section 524.2-507 — Revocation By Writing Or By Act.

Section 524.2-508 — Revocation By Changes Of Circumstances.

Section 524.2-509 — Revival Of Revoked Will.

Section 524.2-510 — Incorporation By Reference.

Section 524.2-511 — Testamentary Additions To Trusts.

Section 524.2-512 — Events Of Independent Significance.

Section 524.2-513 — Separate Writing Identifying Bequest Of Tangible Property.

Section 524.2-514 — Contracts Concerning Succession.

Section 524.2-515 — Deposit Of Will With Court In Testator's Lifetime.

Section 524.2-516 — Duty Of Custodian Of Will; Liability.

Section 524.2-517 — Penalty Clause For Contest.

Section 524.2-601 — Scope.

Section 524.2-602 — Will May Pass All Property And After-acquired Property.

Section 524.2-603 — Antilapse; Deceased Devisee; Class Gifts; Words Of Survivorship.

Section 524.2-604 — Failure Of Testamentary Provision.

Section 524.2-605 — Increase In Securities; Accessions.

Section 524.2-606 — Nonademption Of Specific Devises; Unpaid Proceeds Of Sale, Condemnation, Or Insurance; Sale By Conservator Or Guardian.

Section 524.2-607 — Nonexoneration.

Section 524.2-608 — Exercise Of Power Of Appointment.

Section 524.2-609 — Ademption By Satisfaction.

Section 524.2-701 — Scope.

Section 524.2-702 — Requirement Of Survival For 120 Hours For Devisees, Beneficiaries Of Certain Trusts, And Appointees Of Certain Powers Of Appointment; Simultaneous Death Act For Other Cases.

Section 524.2-703 — Choice Of Law As To Meaning And Effect Of Governing Instrument.

Section 524.2-704 — Power Of Appointment; Meaning Of Specific Reference Requirement.

Section 524.2-705 — Class Gifts Construed To Accord With Intestate Succession.

Section 524.2-708 — Class Gifts To "descendants," "issue," Or "heirs Of The Body"; Form Of Distribution If None Specified.

Section 524.2-709 — Representation; Per Stirpes; Per Capita At Each Generation.

Section 524.2-711 — Future Interests In "heirs," "heirs At Law," Or "next Of Kin."

Section 524.2-712 — Decedents Dying After December 31, 2009, And Before January 1, 2011; Formula Clauses To Be Construed To Refer To Federal Estate Tax And Federal Generation-skipping Transfer Tax Laws.

Section 524.2-802 — Effect Of Dissolution Of Marriage, Annulment, And Decree Of Separation.

Section 524.2-803 — Effect Of Homicide On Intestate Succession, Wills, Joint Assets, Life Insurance And Beneficiary Designations; Emergency Order.

Section 524.2-804 — Revocation By Dissolution Of Marriage; No Revocation By Other Changes Of Circumstances.

Section 524.2-805 — Reformation To Correct Mistakes.

Section 524.2-806 — Modification To Achieve Transferor's Tax Objectives.

Section 524.2-1001 — Definitions.

Section 524.2-1002 — International Will; Validity.

Section 524.2-1003 — International Will; Requirements.

Section 524.2-1004 — International Wills; Other Points Of Form.

Section 524.2-1005 — International Will; Certificate.

Section 524.2-1006 — International Will; Effect Of Certificate.

Section 524.2-1007 — International Will; Revocation.

Section 524.2-1008 — Source And Construction.

Section 524.2-1009 — Persons Authorized To Act In Relation To International Will; Eligibility; Recognition By Authorizing Agency.

Section 524.2-1010 — International Will Information Registration.

Section 524.2-1101 — Short Title.

Section 524.2-1102 — Definitions.

Section 524.2-1103 — Scope.

Section 524.2-1104 — Tax-qualified Disclaimer.

Section 524.2-1105 — When Disclaimer Is Permitted.

Section 524.2-1106 — When Disclaimer Is Barred Or Limited.

Section 524.2-1107 — Power To Disclaim; General Requirements; When Irrevocable.

Section 524.2-1108 — Disclaimer Of Interest In Property.

Section 524.2-1109 — Disclaimer Of Rights Of Survivorship In Jointly Held Property.

Section 524.2-1110 — Disclaimer Of Interest By Trustee.

Section 524.2-1111 — Disclaimer Of Power Of Appointment Or Other Power Not Held In A Fiduciary Capacity.

Section 524.2-1112 — Disclaimer By Appointee, Object, Or Taker In Default Of Exercise Of Power Of Appointment.

Section 524.2-1113 — Disclaimer Of Power Held In Fiduciary Capacity.

Section 524.2-1114 — Delivery Or Filing.

Section 524.2-1115 — Recording Of Disclaimer Relating To Real Estate.

Section 524.2-1116 — Application To Existing Relationships.

Section 524.3-101 — Devolution Of Estate At Death; Restrictions.

Section 524.3-102 — Necessity Of Order Of Probate For Will.

Section 524.3-103 — Necessity Of Appointment For Administration.

Section 524.3-104 — Claims Against Decedent; Necessity Of Administration.

Section 524.3-105 — Proceedings Affecting Devolution And Administration; Jurisdiction Of Subject Matter.

Section 524.3-106 — Proceedings Within The Exclusive Jurisdiction Of Court; Service; Jurisdiction Over Persons.

Section 524.3-107 — Scope Of Proceedings; Proceedings Independent; Exception.

Section 524.3-108 — Probate, Testacy And Appointment Proceedings; Ultimate Time Limit.

Section 524.3-109 — Statutes Of Limitation On Decedent's Cause Of Action.

Section 524.3-201 — Venue For First And Subsequent Estate Proceedings; Location Of Property.

Section 524.3-202 — Appointment Or Testacy Proceedings; Conflicting Claim Of Domicile In Another State.

Section 524.3-203 — Priority Among Persons Seeking Appointment As Personal Representative.

Section 524.3-204 — Demand For Notice Of Order Or Filing Concerning Decedent's Estate.

Section 524.3-301 — Informal Probate Or Appointment Proceedings; Application; Contents.

Section 524.3-302 — Informal Probate; Duty Of Registrar; Effect Of Informal Probate.

Section 524.3-303 — Informal Probate; Proof And Findings Required.

Section 524.3-305 — Informal Probate; Registrar Not Satisfied.

Section 524.3-306 — Informal Probate; Notice Requirements.

Section 524.3-307 — Informal Appointment Proceedings; Delay In Order; Duty Of Registrar; Effect Of Appointment.

Section 524.3-308 — Informal Appointment Proceedings; Proof And Findings Required.

Section 524.3-309 — Informal Appointment Proceedings; Registrar Not Satisfied.

Section 524.3-310 — Informal Appointment Proceedings; Notice Requirements.

Section 524.3-311 — Informal Appointment Unavailable In Certain Cases.

Section 524.3-401 — Formal Testacy Proceedings; Nature; When Commenced.

Section 524.3-402 — Formal Testacy Or Appointment Proceedings; Petition; Contents.

Section 524.3-403 — Formal Testacy Proceeding; Notice Of Hearing On Petition.

Section 524.3-404 — Formal Testacy Proceedings; Written Objections To Probate.

Section 524.3-405 — Formal Testacy Proceedings; Uncontested Cases; Hearings And Proof.

Section 524.3-406 — Formal Testacy Proceedings; Contested Cases; Testimony Of Attesting Witnesses.

Section 524.3-407 — Formal Testacy Proceedings; Burdens In Contested Cases.

Section 524.3-408 — Formal Testacy Proceedings; Will Construction; Effect Of Final Order In Another Jurisdiction.

Section 524.3-409 — Formal Testacy Proceedings; Order; Foreign Will.

Section 524.3-410 — Formal Testacy Proceedings; Probate Of More Than One Instrument.

Section 524.3-411 — Formal Testacy Proceedings; Partial Intestacy.

Section 524.3-412 — Formal Testacy Proceedings; Effect Of Order; Vacation.

Section 524.3-413 — Formal Testacy Proceedings; Vacation Of Order For Other Cause And Modification Of Orders, Judgments, And Decrees.

Section 524.3-414 — Formal Proceedings Concerning Appointment Of Personal Representative.

Section 524.3-501 — Supervised Administration; Nature Of Proceeding.

Section 524.3-502 — Supervised Administration; Petition; Order.

Section 524.3-503 — Supervised Administration; Effect On Other Proceedings.

Section 524.3-504 — Supervised Administration; Powers Of Personal Representative.

Section 524.3-505 — Supervised Administration; Interim Orders; Distribution And Closing Orders.

Section 524.3-601 — Qualification.

Section 524.3-602 — Acceptance Of Appointment; Consent To Jurisdiction.

Section 524.3-603 — Bond Not Required Without Court Order; Exceptions.

Section 524.3-604 — Bond Amount; Security; Procedure; Reduction.

Section 524.3-605 — Demand For Bond By Interested Person.

Section 524.3-606 — Terms And Conditions Of Bonds.

Section 524.3-607 — Order Restraining Personal Representative.

Section 524.3-608 — Termination Of Appointment; General.

Section 524.3-609 — Termination Of Appointment; Death Or Disability.

Section 524.3-610 — Termination Of Appointment; Voluntary.

Section 524.3-611 — Termination Of Appointment By Removal; Cause; Procedure.

Section 524.3-612 — Termination Of Appointment; Change Of Testacy Status.

Section 524.3-613 — Successor Personal Representative.

Section 524.3-614 — Special Administrator; Appointment.

Section 524.3-615 — Special Administrator; Who May Be Appointed.

Section 524.3-616 — Special Administrator; Appointed Informally; Powers And Duties.

Section 524.3-617 — Special Administrator; Formal Proceedings; Power And Duties.

Section 524.3-618 — Termination Of Appointment; Special Administrator.

Section 524.3-701 — Time Of Accrual Of Duties And Powers.

Section 524.3-702 — Priority Among Different Letters.

Section 524.3-703 — General Duties; Relation And Liability To Persons Interested In Estate; Standing To Sue.

Section 524.3-704 — Personal Representative To Proceed Without Court Order; Exception.

Section 524.3-706 — Duty Of Personal Representative; Inventory And Appraisement.

Section 524.3-707 — Employment Of Appraisers.

Section 524.3-708 — Duty Of Personal Representative; Supplementary Inventory.

Section 524.3-709 — Duty Of Personal Representative; Possession Of Estate.

Section 524.3-710 — Power To Avoid Transfers.

Section 524.3-711 — Powers Of Personal Representatives; In General.

Section 524.3-712 — Improper Exercise Of Power; Breach Of Fiduciary Duty.

Section 524.3-713 — Sale, Encumbrance Or Transaction Involving Conflict Of Interest; Voidable; Exceptions.

Section 524.3-714 — Persons Dealing With Personal Representative; Protection.

Section 524.3-715 — Transactions Authorized For Personal Representatives; Exceptions.

Section 524.3-716 — Powers And Duties Of Successor Personal Representative.

Section 524.3-717 — Corepresentatives; When Joint Action Required.

Section 524.3-718 — Powers Of Surviving Personal Representative.

Section 524.3-719 — Compensation Of Personal Representative.

Section 524.3-720 — Expenses In Estate Litigation.

Section 524.3-721 — Proceedings For Review Of Employment Of Agents And Compensation Of Personal Representatives And Employees Of Estate.

Section 524.3-801 — Notice To Creditors.

Section 524.3-802 — Statutes Of Limitations.

Section 524.3-803 — Limitations On Presentation Of Claims.

Section 524.3-804 — Manner Of Presentation Of Claims.

Section 524.3-805 — Classification Of Claims.

Section 524.3-806 — Allowance Of Claims.

Section 524.3-807 — Payment Of Claims.

Section 524.3-808 — Individual Liability Of Personal Representative.

Section 524.3-809 — Secured Claims.

Section 524.3-810 — Claims Not Due And Contingent Or Unliquidated Claims.

Section 524.3-811 — Counterclaims.

Section 524.3-812 — Execution And Levies Prohibited.

Section 524.3-813 — Compromise Of Claims.

Section 524.3-814 — Encumbered Assets.

Section 524.3-815 — Administration In More Than One State; Duty Of Personal Representative.

Section 524.3-816 — Final Distribution To Domiciliary Representative.

Section 524.3-817 — Joint Contract Claims.

Section 524.3-901 — Successors' Rights If No Administration.

Section 524.3-902 — Distribution; Order In Which Assets Appropriated; Abatement.

Section 524.3-903 — Right Of Retainer.

Section 524.3-904 — Interest On General Pecuniary Devise.

Section 524.3-906 — Distribution In Kind; Valuation; Method.

Section 524.3-907 — Distribution In Kind; Evidence.

Section 524.3-908 — Distribution; Right Or Title Of Distributee.

Section 524.3-909 — Improper Distribution; Liability Of Distributee.

Section 524.3-910 — Purchasers From Distributees Protected.

Section 524.3-911 — Partition For Purpose Of Distribution.

Section 524.3-912 — Private Agreements Among Successors To Decedent Binding On Personal Representative.

Section 524.3-913 — Distributions To Trustee.

Section 524.3-914 — Unclaimed Assets.

Section 524.3-915 — Distribution To Person Under Disability.

Section 524.3-916 — Apportionment Of Estate Taxes And Generation-skipping Tax.

Section 524.3-1001 — Formal Proceedings Terminating Administration; Testate Or Intestate; Order Of Distribution, Decree, And General Protection.

Section 524.3-1002 — Formal Proceedings Terminating Testate Administration; Order Construing Will Without Adjudicating Testacy.

Section 524.3-1003 — Closing Estates; By Sworn Statement Of Personal Representative.

Section 524.3-1004 — Liability Of Distributees To Claimants.

Section 524.3-1005 — Limitations On Proceedings Against Personal Representative.

Section 524.3-1006 — Limitations On Actions And Proceedings Against Distributees.

Section 524.3-1007 — Certificate Discharging Liens Securing Fiduciary Performance.

Section 524.3-1008 — Subsequent Administration.

Section 524.3-1101 — Effect Of Approval Of Agreements Involving Trusts, Inalienable Interests, Or Interests Of Third Persons.

Section 524.3-1102 — Procedure For Securing Court Approval Of Compromise.

Section 524.3-1201 — Collection Of Personal Property By Affidavit.

Section 524.3-1202 — Effect Of Affidavit.

Section 524.3-1203 — Summary Proceedings.

Section 524.3-1204 — Small Estates; Closing By Sworn Statement Of Personal Representative.

Section 524.4-101 — Definitions.

Section 524.4-201 — Payment Of Debt And Delivery Of Property To Domiciliary Foreign Personal Representative Without Local Administration.

Section 524.4-202 — Payment Or Delivery Discharges.

Section 524.4-203 — Resident Creditor Notice.

Section 524.4-204 — Proof Of Authority-bond.

Section 524.4-205 — Powers.

Section 524.4-206 — Power Of Representatives In Transition.

Section 524.4-207 — Provisions Governing Ancillary And Other Local Administrations.

Section 524.4-301 — Jurisdiction By Act Of Foreign Personal Representative.

Section 524.4-302 — Jurisdiction By Act Of Decedent.

Section 524.4-303 — Service On Foreign And Nonresident Personal Representatives.

Section 524.4-401 — Effect Of Adjudication For Or Against Personal Representative.

Section 524.5-101 — Short Title.

Section 524.5-102 — Definitions.

Section 524.5-103 — Supplemental General Principles Of Law Applicable.

Section 524.5-104 — Facility Of Transfer.

Section 524.5-106 — Subject-matter Jurisdiction.

Section 524.5-107 — Transfer Of Jurisdiction.

Section 524.5-108 — Venue.

Section 524.5-109 — Practice In Court.

Section 524.5-110 — Letters Of Office.

Section 524.5-111 — Effect Of Acceptance Of Appointment.

Section 524.5-112 — Termination Of Or Change In Guardian's Or Conservator's Appointment.

Section 524.5-113 — Notice.

Section 524.5-114 — Waiver Of Notice.

Section 524.5-115 — Guardian Ad Litem.

Section 524.5-117 — Multiple Appointments Or Nominations.

Section 524.5-118 — Background Study.

Section 524.5-119 — Central Registration Of Guardians And Conservators; Appropriation.

Section 524.5-120 — Bill Of Rights For Persons Subject To Guardianship Or Conservatorship.

Section 524.5-121 — Bill Of Particulars.

Section 524.5-201 — Appointment And Status Of Guardian.

Section 524.5-202 — Parental Appointment Of Guardian.

Section 524.5-203 — Objection By Minor Or Others To Parental Appointment.

Section 524.5-204 — Judicial Appointment Of Guardian: Conditions For Appointment.

Section 524.5-205 — Judicial Appointment Of Guardian: Procedure.

Section 524.5-206 — Judicial Appointment Of Guardian: Priority Of Minor's Nominee, Limited Guardianship.

Section 524.5-207 — Powers And Duties Of Guardian.

Section 524.5-209 — Rights And Immunities Of Guardian.

Section 524.5-210 — Termination Of Guardianship; Other Proceedings After Appointment.

Section 524.5-211 — Delegation Of Power By Parent Or Guardian.

Section 524.5-301 — Appointment And Status Of Guardian.

Section 524.5-302 — Appointment Of Guardian By Will Or Other Writing.

Section 524.5-303 — Judicial Appointment Of Guardian: Petition.

Section 524.5-304 — Judicial Appointment Of Guardian: Preliminaries To Hearing.

Section 524.5-307 — Guardian Proceedings; Presence And Rights At Hearing.

Section 524.5-308 — Notice.

Section 524.5-309 — Who May Be Guardian: Priorities.

Section 524.5-310 — Findings; Order Of Appointment.

Section 524.5-311 — Emergency Guardian.

Section 524.5-312 — Temporary Substitute Guardian.

Section 524.5-313 — Powers And Duties Of Guardian.

Section 524.5-315 — Rights And Immunities Of Guardian; Limitations.

Section 524.5-316 — Reports; Monitoring Of Guardianship; Court Orders.

Section 524.5-317 — Termination Or Modification Of Guardianship; Court Orders.

Section 524.5-401 — Protective Proceeding.

Section 524.5-402 — Jurisdiction Over Business Affairs Of Person Subject To Conservatorship.

Section 524.5-403 — Original Petition For Appointment Or Protective Order.

Section 524.5-404 — Notice.

Section 524.5-405 — Original Petition: Minors; Preliminaries To Hearing.

Section 524.5-406 — Original Petition: Persons Under Disability; Preliminaries To Hearing.

Section 524.5-408 — Conservatorship Proceedings: Procedure At Hearing.

Section 524.5-409 — Findings; Order Of Appointment.

Section 524.5-410 — Powers Of Court.

Section 524.5-411 — Required Court Approval.

Section 524.5-412 — Protective Arrangements And Single Transactions.

Section 524.5-413 — Who May Be Conservator; Priorities.

Section 524.5-414 — Petition For Order Subsequent To Appointment.

Section 524.5-415 — Bond.

Section 524.5-416 — Terms And Requirements Of Bond.

Section 524.5-417 — General Powers And Duties Of Conservator.

Section 524.5-418 — General Powers And Duties Of Conservator With Respect To Real Property.

Section 524.5-419 — Inventory; Records.

Section 524.5-420 — Reports; Appointment Of Visitor; Monitoring; Court Orders.

Section 524.5-421 — Title After Appointment.

Section 524.5-422 — Interest Of Person Subject To Conservatorship Nonalienable.

Section 524.5-423 — Sale, Encumbrance, Or Other Transaction Involving Conflict Of Interest.

Section 524.5-424 — Protection Of Person Dealing With Conservator.

Section 524.5-426 — Delegation.

Section 524.5-427 — Principles Of Distribution By Conservator.

Section 524.5-428 — Death Of Person Subject To Conservatorship.

Section 524.5-429 — Claims Against Person Subject To Conservatorship.

Section 524.5-430 — Personal Liability Of Conservator.

Section 524.5-431 — Termination Of Proceedings.

Section 524.5-432 — Payment Of Debt And Delivery Of Property To Foreign Conservator Without Local Proceeding.

Section 524.5-433 — Foreign Conservator: Proof Of Authority; Bond; Powers.

Section 524.5-501 — Guardianship, Conservatorship; Workers' Compensation Proceedings.

Section 524.5-502 — Compensation And Expenses.

Section 524.5-601 — Short Title.

Section 524.5-602 — Definitions.

Section 524.5-603 — International Application.

Section 524.5-604 — Communication Between Courts.

Section 524.5-605 — Cooperation Between Courts.

Section 524.5-606 — Taking Testimony In Another State.

Section 524.5-701 — Definitions; Significant Connection Factors.

Section 524.5-702 — Exclusive Basis.

Section 524.5-703 — Jurisdiction.

Section 524.5-704 — Special Jurisdiction.

Section 524.5-705 — Exclusive And Continuing Jurisdiction.

Section 524.5-706 — Appropriate Forum.

Section 524.5-707 — Jurisdiction Declined By Reason Of Conduct.

Section 524.5-708 — Notice Of Proceeding.

Section 524.5-709 — Proceedings In More Than One State.

Section 524.5-801 — Transfer Of Guardianship Or Conservatorship To Another State.

Section 524.5-802 — Accepting Guardianship Or Conservatorship Transferred From Another State.

Section 524.5-901 — Registration Of Guardianship Orders.

Section 524.5-902 — Registration Of Protective Orders.

Section 524.5-903 — Effect Of Registration.

Section 524.6-201 — Definitions.

Section 524.6-202 — Ownership As Between Parties, And Others; Protection Of Financial Institutions.

Section 524.6-203 — Ownership During Lifetime.

Section 524.6-204 — Right Of Survivorship.

Section 524.6-205 — Effect Of A Written Notice To Financial Institution.

Section 524.6-206 — Accounts And Transfers Nontestamentary.

Section 524.6-207 — Rights Of Creditors.

Section 524.6-208 — Financial Institution Protection; Payment On Signature Of One Party.

Section 524.6-209 — Financial Institution Protection; Payment After Death Or Disability; Joint Account.

Section 524.6-210 — Financial Institution Protection; Payment Of P.o.d. Account.

Section 524.6-211 — Financial Institution Protection; Discharge.

Section 524.6-212 — Financial Institution Protection; Setoff.

Section 524.6-213 — Forms.

Section 524.6-214 — Citation.

Section 524.6-215 — Designation Of Agent.

Section 524.6-216 — Types Of Account; Existing Accounts.

Section 524.6-301 — Definitions.

Section 524.6-302 — Registration In Beneficiary Form; Sole Or Joint Tenancy Ownership.

Section 524.6-303 — Registration In Beneficiary Form; Applicable Law.

Section 524.6-304 — Origination Of Registration In Beneficiary Form.

Section 524.6-305 — Form Of Registration In Beneficiary Form.

Section 524.6-306 — Effect Of Registration In Beneficiary Form.

Section 524.6-307 — Death Of Owner; Creditors.

Section 524.6-308 — Protection Of Registering Entity.

Section 524.6-309 — Nontestamentary Transfer; Revocation Of Designation.

Section 524.6-310 — Terms, Conditions, And Forms For Registration.

Section 524.6-311 — Application.

Section 524.8-101 — Provisions For Transition.

Section 524.8-103 — Early Effective Date.