Minnesota Statutes
Chapter 360 — Airports And Aeronautics
Section 360.915 — Meteorological Towers.

Subdivision 1. Definition. (a) For purposes of this section, "stand-alone meteorological tower" means a structure, whether self-standing or supported by guy wires and ground anchors, that:
(1) is designed with accessory facilities on which antenna, sensor, camera, meteorological, or other equipment is able to be mounted;
(2) has a height of at least 50 feet and not more than 200 feet; and
(3) has a diameter of ten feet or less at the aboveground base, excluding concrete footing.
(b) A stand-alone meteorological tower does not include a structure that is:
(1) affixed or adjacent to a building, including a house, barn, or utility station;
(2) an electric transmission or distribution line;
(3) a streetlight erected or maintained by a governmental entity;
(4) a wind energy conversion system, as defined in section 216F.01, subdivision 4, that has rotor blades with a length of more than six feet;
(5) a facility registered with the Federal Communications Commission or any structure with the primary purpose of supporting telecommunications equipment, including microwave relay facilities and towers erected for the purpose of providing commercial mobile radio service or commercial mobile data service, as the terms are defined in Code of Federal Regulations, title 47, section 20.3; or
(6) a utility pole located in the public right-of-way.
Subd. 2. Application; location. The requirements of this section do not apply to a stand-alone meteorological tower that is located:
(1) within the curtilage of a farmstead; or
(2) in a statutory or home rule charter city or town.
Subd. 3. Visibility; marking. A stand-alone meteorological tower must:
(1) be painted in equal-width bands of solid color over its entire length, alternating between aviation orange and white so that orange is at the top of the tower and at the base of the tower;
(2) have at least two spherical markers attached to each of the highest or outside guy wires that are:
(i) painted solid aviation orange; and
(ii) placed so that one is within 15 feet of the upper anchor point of the guy wire;
(3) have a high-visibility sleeve on each guy wire, which must extend at least seven feet from the lower anchor point of each guy wire; and
(4) have a flashing red light placed at the top of the tower that is compatible with a night vision imaging system, as determined by the commissioner.
Subd. 4. Notifications. (a) At least 30 days prior to erecting a stand-alone meteorological tower, the tower owner must provide notice to the commissioner in the manner specified by the commissioner. The notice must identify:
(1) the tower owner's name and contact information;
(2) the name and contact information of any tower owner's representative;
(3) the height above ground level of the tower, including its base;
(4) the elevation of the tower site; and
(5) global positioning system coordinates of the center of the tower.
(b) The tower owner must notify the commissioner within 15 days of any change in any information provided under paragraph (a).
(c) The tower owner must notify the commissioner within 30 days after removal of a stand-alone meteorological tower.
Subd. 5. Fee. The owner of a stand-alone meteorological tower who provides notice under subdivision 4, paragraph (a), must pay a fee of $50. A fee is not imposed for a notification provided under subdivision 4, paragraphs (b) and (c).
Subd. 6. Administration. (a) The commissioner must maintain records on stand-alone meteorological towers under this section and must provide information on stand-alone meteorological tower locations on the department's website.
(b) The commissioner must deposit revenue received under this section in the state airports fund.
Subd. 7. Penalty. The owner of a stand-alone meteorological tower who violates the requirements under subdivision 3 or 4, paragraph (a), is guilty of a misdemeanor.
Subd. 8. Implementation; existing towers. The owner of a stand-alone meteorological tower erected prior to August 1, 2020, must meet the requirements of this section within one year of August 1, 2020.
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Structure Minnesota Statutes

Minnesota Statutes

Chapters 360 - 362 — Aeronautics

Chapter 360 — Airports And Aeronautics

Section 360.011 — Declaration Of Purpose.

Section 360.012 — Sovereignty; Liability; Effect Of Other Law.

Section 360.013 — Definitions.

Section 360.015 — Commissioner; Powers And Duties.

Section 360.0151 — Air Service Marketing Program.

Section 360.016 — Federal Aid.

Section 360.0161 — Application For Federal Aid; Commissioner As Agent.

Section 360.017 — State Airports Fund.

Section 360.018 — Regulating Aircraft, Airmen, Airports, Instructors.

Section 360.019 — Order Of Commissioner; Review.

Section 360.021 — State Airport.

Section 360.0215 — Service Of Process; Long-arm Statute; Fee.

Section 360.0216 — Aircraft Operator Deemed Owner's Agent.

Section 360.022 — Misdemeanor.

Section 360.023 — Transfer Of Air Navigation Facility.

Section 360.024 — Air Transportation Service Charge.

Section 360.031 — Definition Of Municipality.

Section 360.032 — Municipality May Acquire Airport.

Section 360.033 — Sovereign Rights.

Section 360.034 — Prior Acquisition Of Property Validated.

Section 360.035 — Exemption From Taxation.

Section 360.036 — Financing Airport And Improvements.

Section 360.037 — General Power To Tax; Revenue Priorities.

Section 360.038 — Specific Powers Of Municipality.

Section 360.039 — Federal Aid.

Section 360.041 — Airport On Water And Reclaimed Land.

Section 360.042 — Joint Operation; Joint Powers Board.

Section 360.0425 — General Powers Of Authority.

Section 360.0426 — Creation Of An Airport Authority; Dissolution.

Section 360.0427 — Tax Levy May Be Certified By Airport Authority.

Section 360.043 — Assistance To Other Municipality.

Section 360.044 — County Authority.

Section 360.045 — Jurisdiction Exclusive.

Section 360.046 — Requirements For Closure Of Municipal Airport.

Section 360.061 — Definitions.

Section 360.062 — Airport Hazard Prevention; Protecting Existing Land Uses.

Section 360.063 — Airport Zoning; Authority, Procedure.

Section 360.064 — Airport Zoning; Comprehensive Ordinance, Conflict.

Section 360.065 — Airport Zoning; Adoption And Approval Of Proposed Regulations.

Section 360.0655 — Airport Zoning Regulations Based On Commissioner's Standards; Submission Process.

Section 360.0656 — Custom Airport Zoning Standards.

Section 360.066 — Airport Zoning; Minimum Standards, Land Uses.

Section 360.067 — Airport Zoning Permit, Variance; Administrative Agent.

Section 360.068 — Appeal Of Airport Zoning Decision.

Section 360.069 — Airport Zoning Administration.

Section 360.071 — Board Of Adjustment.

Section 360.072 — Judicial Review.

Section 360.073 — Violations, Penalties, And Remedies.

Section 360.074 — Acquisition Of Air Rights.

Section 360.075 — Violations, Penalties.

Section 360.0752 — Aircraft Operator Under Influence Of Alcohol, Controlled Substance, Or Intoxicating Substance.

Section 360.0753 — Testing Procedures.

Section 360.076 — Citation, Aeronautics Code.

Section 360.201 — Acquisition By Municipality In Adjoining State.

Section 360.202 — Rights Same As Minnesota Municipality.

Section 360.203 — Reciprocal Provisions.

Section 360.305 — Expenditures For Airports And Navigation.

Section 360.511 — Definitions.

Section 360.521 — Aircraft Tax Limitation And Election.

Section 360.531 — Taxation.

Section 360.532 — Nonresident Commercial Operation Subject To Tax.

Section 360.54 — Presumption That Aircraft Subject To Tax.

Section 360.55 — Exemptions.

Section 360.57 — Filing Sworn Statement By Manufacturer.

Section 360.58 — Operation Without Registration Or Payment.

Section 360.59 — Aircraft Registration And Listing For Taxation.

Section 360.595 — Taxes Paid Before Registration And Licensing; Rules.

Section 360.60 — Registration Required; Exemption; Misdemeanor.

Section 360.61 — Due Date Of Tax; Penalties And Fees.

Section 360.62 — Tax Refund.

Section 360.63 — Dealer's License.

Section 360.64 — Aircraft Tax Lien; Remedies, Prosecution.

Section 360.651 — Manufacturer, Listing Of Aircraft.

Section 360.653 — Aircraft Registration And Tax Exemptions.

Section 360.654 — Aircraft Dealer's Commercial Use Permit.

Section 360.66 — State Airports Fund.

Section 360.67 — Violations And Penalties.

Section 360.675 — Aviation Tax Report.

Section 360.68 — Airport Jointly Owned; Revenue Certificates.

Section 360.69 — Insurance.

Section 360.70 — Rentals And Earnings.

Section 360.71 — Revenue Certificate Terms.

Section 360.72 — Refund Certificate.

Section 360.73 — Authority Supersedes Contrary Law.

Section 360.81 — Purpose: Safe Flight.

Section 360.82 — Definitions.

Section 360.83 — Permit, Necessity.

Section 360.84 — Height Limitations; Exceptions.

Section 360.85 — Interest Of Applicant For Permit.

Section 360.86 — Visual Or Aural Identification.

Section 360.87 — Investigation, Determination, Notice, And Hearing.

Section 360.88 — Failure To File For Permit; Commissioner's Action.

Section 360.89 — Enforcement.

Section 360.90 — Structure Height Rules; Forms.

Section 360.91 — Misdemeanor.

Section 360.915 — Meteorological Towers.

Section 360.92 — Liability Insurance Required; Misdemeanor.

Section 360.93 — Minimal Insurance Coverage Required; Misdemeanor.